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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • Puff
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Fark me, speaking of gumtree...


I drove an 80 km round trip yesterday to look at some car parts. I get there and most of it is fit for the bin and the bits I wanted, the guy has since decided to double his advertised price...


He knew I had a big drive and didn't bother to tell me that some parts were farked or that instead of the verbally agreed price he actually wanted a lot more.


As if I've got nothing better to do on the weekend than drive 80 farken km for farken nothing.

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  • Puff
  • Gold Donating Members
  • Member For: 10y 1m 5d
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  • Location: South Australia

Funnily enough the dude seemed genuine but he obviously knew that some of the bits he was trying to sell were farked. It's not hard to tell people that kind of sh*t.


As far as the price goes, I don't care what people want to sell their parts for but at least be upfront about it before people waste their time coming over for a look.


Fark knows why he didn't just advertise them for what he wanted. It would have saved me a drive at the least, not to mention fuel was $1.72 yesterday so it cost me nearly $20 for the drive.


Meh, rant over, I'll just buy new parts :)

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  • Feeling the Love :-)
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  • Location: Not in Cairns anymore
11 hours ago, camo86T said:


 bumbling phuckheads on the road 

was driving home last night at about 8pm

dual carriage way, 80 kph speed zone

one numpty in the left lane doing 65 

the other numpty sitting beside him in the right lane doing 65

person in front of me riding the bumper of said right lane numpty

right lane numpty keeps brake checking the tailgater

eventually we managed to get around these nobrain types

but what are they thinking? 

do they even think?

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