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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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Guest XR09
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Life at the moment. Life is pi$$ing me off

First time in at least ten years I find someone whom I really like that is genuine. And the whole package.

That actually likes me back...a lot....as much.

Should be easy.

She hates the gunga and I hate the alcohol..... well I don't hate it. I get very very ill and it lasts for days. And it's a lottery if I get pissed or just go strait to the hangover feeling shoite part...so for most I don't bother or stop at two or three... I am pi$$ed by then anyway...yup hopless and cheap.

For the last ten years I have had to have a BAC of .000 for work and with the hangovers that last for days...well for years I did'nt bother drinking.

I could quite comfortably say now I will never drink again...and not.

I could say the same for the gunga.............but statistically and talking to two different phycologists ............. the odds are not in my favor and I would eventually make a liar of me and let her down in the worst way.

Her X was a pull a bong before he got out of bed type and smashed the billy all day long.

She doesn't touch it and never has.

And I'm not going to lie to her or hide what I have been told...... See adie I do have some respect hdden way down.... I use to have a lot for woman. But the trash I have met in the last ten years has taken that respect away.

She really is special. And does mean a lot and obviously has my respect.

BTW none of my woman, wife included have ever done drugs or much alcohol. Wifey didn't do anything.

I for the most part would have a J every second or third day. I have a few beers about once a fortnight...altho this place has seen so many guests it's more like once a week.

I don't do it everyday, or all day. Usually at the end of the day... I live alone and not a telly watcher. I would rather sleep or play guitar.

She knows I do smoke but has never seen me do it. Or on it. I know or knew from the start she didn't like it.

She has said well you will be giving that up.... then in the next breath stating she cant ask that if me and has to take me as me or not... like I said a good person, very grounded, yet loves the adrenalin rush of riding fast. Too good.

Little angel is saying walk away before I hurt two good people.

Little devil is saying " but you haven't even snogged her yet...haha he is a devil

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If she's that good of a person she'll take you as you are.

If you're that keen on her then you'll tell her that you'll keep her opposition to the green in mind.

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Guest XR09
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Cheers Pat.

I truly can understand her veiw.

I don't know if I can change it or have the right too. People at her and my age, well she is ten years younger...but forty..... Kinda are set in their ways by now....It's a big ask, and from where she has been a huge ask.

I've thought of this from every angle.

Life is ironic. The same thing the alcohol does to me pharmasuticals do.I am alergic to serotonin replacement pills. Pain killers even. I cant even use Nicabate with out an allergy pen on me. Yet not alergic to dope, or any food or well anything natural...unrefined.

If I lived in the states I could legally use it...I belive it is being thought of here...but will never get through our senate.

Bloody hell. I wake up Saturday spewing I have to do a lesson that day and almost fall in love.....Be careful what you wish for

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You'll pretty much have to go at it from the "live and let live" attitude. You might find that she snores like a freight train and farts like a trooper in bed, so who knows? If she reckons you have to make the choice for yourself then she's right.

If its manageable from your end then manage it and show that it shouldn't be a major concern...

Do you become a wreck on the gear or do you just become mellow?

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Yeah go to SA if you want to

1- be bored $hitless

2- no Friday hwy

3-Jet and Fluff live there

4-no good tuners

5-want to marry a immediate familiy member.

6-want 12rwkw more than Vic dynos

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Guest XR09
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Very mellow. Has the opposite affect on me that it does to most. Don't get the munchies either.

Then again if I did it all day every day I am sure it would. I don't. My life is surfing and riding...not great to be off your titties doing either.

Anywho your right and I will lay it on the table....my fear is she is the one who comromises... I am very independant and don't ask for help...or dump my garbage on people.... I would always be .... insecure about it.

Dunno as I said I can walk and not be hurt right now.... but I will talk and let her body and eyes tell me the truth. Then I will know the answer I guess.

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