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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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EL replacement decision just picked up some pace. Wife drove it to Sydney yesterday and back home today. An hour later I went to use it and won't start. Cranks but won't fire. Pretty lucky it didn't happen to her while away.

Time to check fuses and battery and then spark at a plug lead so I can narrowed own whether it seems to be fuel or electrical related.

She was having central locking issues with it last night too so I'm guessing it might be something in the smartlock cutting spark or fuel. From memory when the security system thinks there's a problem it allows crank but no start which is exactly what's happening.

Looks like 35 degrees and push bike for me tomorrow!

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  • skids
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im trying to pay my website developer in india using western union and wow!


I had to call them and the ladys saying that basically she doesn't believe its legitimate as people regularly get scammed and when ringing western union they get told to lie and say its a gift (which is what I said).


EXCEPT this guy has delivered a website to my server all 100% as expected and im just trying to pay him asap.


so annoying cause after the phone call the lady said the transfer would be approved then 20 minutes later I get an email saying western union has made a business decision to cancel it.


bloody pricks! how the hell do people get scammed when I can't even make a legit payment. im sure I'll get the guy paid today just annoying being messed around. the lady on the phone had clearly dealt with a lot of people ringing up saying 'omg ive been scammed!'

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  • Feeling the Love :-)
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Fisher and Paykel dishdrawer threw up an error the other day.
$160 call out fee + $280 for a new circuit board.
Guy said it was corrosion that had stuffed the board. (10 year old machine)
The other option was to buy a new one for $1100.
Cut a long story short, they installed a new one yesterday
Installers were numties, unit was installed with over 35mm sticking out past the cabinetry
They said to mrs BCB that it could not go back any further.

A few hours later and I have it sussed.
There was an electric conduit on the roof of the opening, drop the adjustable feet and there you have it


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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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They couldn't adjust the screw on feet...and they install them for a job.



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  • Feeling the Love :-)
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what really pissed me off was having to uninstall it to find the problem.

Also re-routed all the services cos they were in a jumbled mess behind the unit.

I originally thought that was the problem causing it not to go back fully into the cavity.


18 minutes ago, -Stever- said:

They couldn't adjust the screw on feet...and they install them for a job.




Yeah, it makes you wonder sometimes.


the down side is that the unit does not line up with the cupboards vertically, but hey, at least its flush to the cupboards.

If that continues to aggravate my OCD, I can always get my mate to move the conduit.

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Took the ST in for it's 3000km peace of kind service. Waiting in the waiting area I hear a car revving in the shop, look through the window to see some muppet in my car, laughing with another mechanic revving the sh*t out my car.

I am thinking with a 5 year Factory backed warranty, I should take my car to family for log book services. Little sh*ts revving the sh*t out customers cars pisses me off.

I made a verbal complaint but will put it in the survey too. 

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