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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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Hey least fat chicks pay there own way... respect


7 hours ago, Box stock T. said:

^^ did also chuckle. Very clever modding there johnno.

Cris is always offering wristies so it makes sence to step it up a notch.....:mosking:

your little pickle wouldnt handle my wrist buddy :fuck:

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wpmo , made the last payment on the daughters first car in December.

January I pay another 1k excess for the damage when she backed into a post ( needed fixing for a roadworthy and she is at uni so no $$)

Gets car back Friday,then rolls it 3 times, ( style points+++ ) and its totaled the very next day.

She got out without a scratch thank feck, but now I get to buy her another car.

There goes the fun money,  why are kids so damn expensive ffs?

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  • Puff
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At least she's ok but fark that.


Easy come easy go.


My kids will get their cars the same way I got mine, getting a job and paying for it themselves.

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pics of daughter (for hawlass) :stirthepot:






But seriously, glad that she got out of it safe. Good on you for buying a reasonably expensive car that was probably safer than a cheap piece of crap that may or may not have made the write off worse for her. Sounds like it's time for her to buy her own car, though...

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  • Silver Donating Members
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Your dead right about choosing the dearer car initially, mrs said " a $1000 sh1tter will do" , to which I replied " I'm not going to be standing over her coffin wishing I wasn't such a tight arse and had paid a few extra grand.'


It was the right choice then and still is now.


As I mentioned  she is at uni, so funds are tight. She rolled it on the unsealed driveway of her employer having worked her 9th day in a row to save money for her education, so I dont mind helping her out again. 


Different if she was sitting on her arse doing nothing, but shes a good kid and one day will be choosing my rest home .


Just cant help but think of the respray I could have spent the $$ on...

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