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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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Hey PIX  . take the cover off and post a PIC, maybe its just the feed (wire) from the main switch to the AC breaker.

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10 minutes ago, arronm said:

Hey PIX  . take the cover off and post a PIC

Hey Pix, Put J@t in charge of getting them to fix it while you're in Vic having 11't8 million beers with me

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That is a valid point and should be considered when weighing up what to do. 


I made that judgment call last year. 


I've been in a situation where I lost 1 phase out of 3 phases in my consumer main. I lost power to 3 quarters of the house as the lights, fans, stove and power points were on 2 phases split between the front and back of the house with the hot water on a separate phase.


I called sa power and they came out immediately despite it being nearly midnight. They said that they had to pull the fuses and not replace them until I had it fixed and signed off.


I made sure the guys left the main feed fuses with me after they pulled them.


They were happy to do that after I opened the breaker box and showed them exactly how I was going to fix it and confirmed with them that I would back them up that they had done their job by removing them.


I replaced and rewired the whole box, added a bunch of breakers rather than 70 yo porcelain fuses and labelled everything.


I left out the main feed fuse to the open circuit phase. 


I got an electrician to come out, check my work and sign it off a couple of days later.


After all that, it is still a temporary measure until I rewire the whole house. 


I still wouldn't climb in my roof space without the main fuses pulled as all of my wiring is in metal conduit and possibly as old as the house which is 70 years. 


It's a judgment call that can only be made by Pix if he is 100% sure it is safe to proceed without qualified intervention.


Having no power is a big ask especially at this time of year. So is burning down your house when you know you have melted wires exposed.

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on a positive note  :original:

my sparkie said that it might just be a loose connection to the switch

but either way, you need a sparkie out there ASAP!

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yeah I reckon they stripped the wire, nicked the strands (assuming it isn't the solid stuff) and then when putting the lid on the box the force of it has caused those nicked strands to break. so then you endup with only part of the wire having a good connection.


Could it have been a different electrician who did the A/C install than who wired the switchboard/etc?


either way - somebody would have signed off on an electrical safety certificate and this is who gets thrown on the barbeque.

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Fark! That sucks, pix! Feel for you man, this house seems like it's been one heartache after another :(

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