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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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WPMO, farking Samsung sidexside fridge compressor shiit the tin, now all the fark around to get new compressor, recover the refrigerant and blah blah, the cook's got the shiits up and apparently I somehow caused it all cause bloke :)

me thinks time for BEER :) 

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  • Puff
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Wpmo, Looking for a clunking noise under the back of my car and not noticing anything obviously rooted.


I had the car up on stands with the missus loading it up in drive and reverse. I can feel the clunk on the subframe and the rear sway bar but not anything else under the car.


It is only there when it goes from drive to reverse and vice versa or when accelerating and decelerating in first or second.


Somethings farked and I can't bloody see what :censored:

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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I've being feeling a bit off color the last few days and even resorted to knocking off early and coming home to bed on Tuesday (which is very unusual for me). I told myself it was a virus of some sort and it'd pass.


At work yesterday got a up to get a drink from the kitchen and got back to my desk completely stuff (a journey of about 20mtrs)


I told my Wife about that last night and she told enough is enough go to the docs tomorrow. So I roll up at the GP's this morning, see the doc. He takes on look at me has a listen to my lungs and says off to the ER for you Son!


Off I go to the ER, get triage'd straight into a bed get all usual poking and prodding and X-rays and come to find I've got Pneumonia in my left lung.  The Doc's dosed my up on IV antibiotics and monitored me for a few hours and then let me go and I'm now laid up in bed for a few days taking horse sized antibiotics till I go back for another X-ray on Friday


I had some grand plans to work on the F6 tomorrow but clearly that's not going to happen!




Though it had a bug


Turns out it was Lung Aids


No fixey fixey Broom Brooms for me this weekend and I'm bored out of my fucking mind already!

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  • Puff
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Look after yourself, this is serious.


My grandmother passed away from this disease a few months ago. I saw her the day before and it was farking horrible. She was all there mentally but suffering terribly.


Don't be a hero and fix your car or mow the lawn.


Get bored, get better and best wishes.

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