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  • Puff
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But anyways you must be close to popping by now?!


I can see you've had some dramas with your health lately which sucks.


Hopefully things smooth out a bit for you guys and you end up with everything intact re gall bladder etc.

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12 hours ago, Frederick said:

...whooping cough vaccine to pregnant women...the theory it passes on immunities to the unborn baby.

There is a bucket load more data on the actual vaxine and reasons not to have it, but only data saying that "some" babies had a raise immunity to whooping cough after birth.
(They have a whooping cough vaccine at 6 weeks old anyways)

Its the same with the flu vaxine.
No studies whatsoever have been done.

If you're worried about the pregnancy pertussis vaccine, then don't use it, it's optional and we can safely wait for evidence that it's effective. But just make sure your newborn is immunized (for not just pertussis, of course).


By the way, there's no time to test flu vaccines because the virus mutates too quickly for trials to take place that would validate lab testing. Scientists know vaccines work for the lab tests they perform on the particular strains of influenza and distribute the vaccine as necessary to barely make a dent in combating the spread and mutation of the virus :spoton:


There's no good reason not to vaccinate newborns; it's as simple as that.


12 hours ago, Frederick said:

Our kindy only accepts vaxed kids (unless they have a medical reason) but yeah that chit sh*ts me off. .

I see no problem with this. Vaccinations are 100% necessary for herd immunity to be effective. If even one kid is not vaccinated, it can cause a flow on effect that'll get most (if not all) of the kids much sicker than the vomiting you speak of...

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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So u basically said everything I said lol

You cant vaccinate a new born keith. They dont have a developed enough immunity hence why u have to wait til theyre 6 weeks.

We got hudo fully vaxed and will be with this one too. Have 0 issues as ive done the research and I feel comfortable with it no problems.

Yes im fully aware of their flu vax and why it can't be tested. But didn't wanna go into specifics etc.

But its the same principal.

I don't wanna find out in 20 years my sons infertile from the 2016 influenza vax because it didn't react well passing through a placenta etc.

Edit: when u quote my post it makes it sound like I don't agree with the kindy only accepting vax kids, to the contrary, I actually pulled huds out of a kindy which was full of sick unvaxed kids.

I 100% agree there needs to be a damn good reason not to vaccinate your children. Period.


17 hours ago, Puffwagon said:
But anyways you must be close to popping by now?!
I can see you've had some dramas with your health lately which sucks.
Hopefully things smooth out a bit for you guys and you end up with everything intact re gall bladder etc.

Thanks matey.
Im all good :)

Hows the little one?
Settling in ok?

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when I say "newborn" i mean "newly born"... that time-frame would be arbitrary, which also includes 1 second old to approx 1 year old :idunno:

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WPMO is these "Academics" who obviously can't make it in the real world so they teach.


Here's a term these idiots obviously either haven't heard before or don't understand "over analyzing" they really need to get out more in the real world.


Let kids be innocent and inquisitive FFS, they are going to have enough issues when they finish school and figure out half the stuff they were taught doesn't have a bearing on what they actually need to get through life.




The magic of Christmas is under threat from academics who claim Father Christmas is a “lie” and parents are “damaging” their children by telling them Santa is delivering their presents from the North Pole.

University of New England social scientist Kathy McKay says children can be traumatised when they discover their parents have been maintaining the magic of Christmas with stories of a jolly, bearded man in a red suit.

“Morally, making children believe in myths such as this has to be questioned,” she wrote in a review of the “lie” of Santa published in the Lancet psychiatry journal.

The article, co-authored by psychology professor Christopher Boyle, also condemned the idea of a “terrifying” North Pole intelligence agency judging children’s behaviour and suggested parents may not be motivated by thoughts of their children but a selfish desire to relive their own childhood.

Dr McKay claimed children were forced to “reconceptualise everything” when parents tell them Santa is a “lie”.

“If all of a sudden you have that ripped out from under you, there is the potential to question ‘if my parents lied about this what else are they lying about?’…. and having to all of a sudden reconceptualise everything can be very traumatic when everything you know becomes unsettled.”

Child psychologist Michael Carr-Gregg said Santa was an important part of Australian culture.

“For many families the excitement of leaving stuff out for Santa, watching through the window at night, they’re just lovely traditions,” Mr Carr-Gregg said.

“It makes Christmas magic and none of (my kids) have ever been traumatised, it is part of growing up.”

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