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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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If anything I've become more aware and protective of kids since becoming a parent.


I guess not everyone considers the possible consequences of their seemingly innocuous actions. 


I know the feeling with 4x4s though. It's like little things like footpaths and medians are just a minor inconvenience. 

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10 hours ago, Pixy Angel said:

a few drinks later the pain should have gone. that's nothing to worry about for him, being married is going to hurt more.
not to forget the 7 year itch he needs to get pass that first.


They've been together 10 years already. Got the kid the house the dog etc. He thought it was time to take the plunge. 

JD took the pain away that night no problems. 

Edited by ROB83R
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So one of my housemates is moving out. This, of itself, wouldn't be a problem as it could possibly mean the remaining 3 of us just stay on, take one of the two rooms she had each and split rent 3 ways...which would actually mean my rent would go down $10 a week compared to what I'm paying currently (given I currently pay a little extra a week to even up the fact I get a large theatre room to myself and a garage spot, vs the other girl just having 2 smaller bedrooms). The issue, however, is that the remaining two aren't sure just yet if that's feasible for them (as their share of rent would go up, obviously)...so the possibility of having to share a bathroom etc with someone new that I don't know is what's pissing me off. Farken change :rant2:

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