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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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The fact that I emailed my boss to see if he could hook me up 2 hawks vs crows tickets (missus is a hawks fan) and have had no reply for a few days which was ok because I found out that a birthday dinner for missus' bro and sis was planed on the same night so I never followed up for the tickets.

Long story short I just got told I have 2 corporate tickets to the game.

I am somehow trying to figure out how to re-schedule this birthday dinner but there are quite a few people going.

What the I <3 Bananas would you do? KGO

I would have given the tix to SHP and a +1

Edited by sexual harrassment panda
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  • loitering with intent
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It's not for me to comment on Police operations.

A supreme commander dog fas been stabbed.

But in Sydney, that's ok. They are cops , right ?

A copper has his mates to step in on his behalf with a holster.

Shoot my dog farkin dead man

Let 1/2 dozen Sheppies lose on the kents. No gun needed..

Casulaties perhaps ?They are a fine, fine animal.

" Get I'm up, or you will get bit" the GSD will kill for their master..

Fine beasts indeed. Anyone will know that, need's no qualififaction.

They will defend you . Rotties can bite harder instantely.

GSD's will kill you. Had six now. Longies as well.They will choke the life out of you.

A nasty nip doesn't cut it from a Rottiie. They are a fine Dog , also, one of my best mates

boy Angus is over 10 inches across the chops see him every couple of years and

turns into a big sook boy. He 'would never bite Jules..

Go the GSD, best allrounder IMO

Could easily weep over deceased chums

They love you without question.best mate you will ever have

Nuff, over to you Mickus

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  • Thooperrrrrrr
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The boring medical (which I assume went okay, got perfect hearing and the only physical thing I couldn't do was stay in a squat position for 60 seconds, got to 50 and my thighs basically collapsed because I haven't excercised in about 5 months) and after 3 hours of not working, I'm now back at work...

Also just want to sleep

Edited by Ciaran
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Still searching for a housemate.

Knowing that I still need to buy certain things for the house, like a vacuum, but being unable to afford one til I get a housemate.

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