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sweep wing. My ultimate plane has to be the SR-71. Thing is nuts. Leaks fuel when its on the runway due to tolerances and panel movement when its at high altitude and speed. Crazy plane

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that was actually the last ever flight of the F111. It never once seen any sort of action or got deployed.


just sits in the fighter museum now collecting dust


5 minutes ago, stubbietubbie said:

F*ck yeah Blackbird.


You know it's fast when one method of defending against a missile is to just outrun it.


sh!t its a SAM attack. all good mate just hit the afterburner.....




those shock diamonds!! you know its packing punch when you see that...although I do know another plane that has very distinct shock diamonds

Edited by mightbuyaford
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and nothing will in that sense....all recon is now done by drone apart from the U-2 which is just plain weird. it works but damn its stupid and uncoordinated 

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55 minutes ago, mightbuyaford said:

sweep wing. My ultimate plane has to be the SR-71. Thing is nuts. Leaks fuel when its on the runway due to tolerances and panel movement when its at high altitude and speed. Crazy plane


Indeed, my wedding ring is made from mission flown titanium from 17978, the speed record holder.


My bike plate is Habu, it's reasonably stealthy except for the exhaust. haha

Edited by Utehoon
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53 minutes ago, mightbuyaford said:

My ultimate plane has to be the SR-71


Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy my grandad worked at Lockheed and helped design that plane. :D


WPMO is he died when I was only 7 so we didn't get to have any conversations about his work life, I'm sure there would have been some good stories.

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