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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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Tis life.

I know what you mean ralph, Jet, or anybody who works in an industry where the saftey of others is somewhat your responsibility and is not entirley in the individuals hands. This particular incident hits home for you coz you were in that role, first thing I think if there is a fire with fatalitys where there is a system I have personally worked on, your gut turns and you start thinking I hope I did everything right and its not my fault. Unfortunately that has gut wrenching scenario has occurred for me. Was all good but the first emotions that come to mine are panic on your own behalf and sadness for the families.

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Business had a fatality on one of our sites overnight. 32yr old Guy. Makes me feel f*cking terrible whenever sh*t like that goes down.

That blows, Luke. Always resonates throughout the industry, not just that specific site, when this happens. Not good.

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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So the company has decided not to release the deceased name due to cultural sensitivies. Too bad the West Australiam couldn't give the deceased or his family the same level or respect,.

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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tired and feeling like asshat.

huds was up all night and ended up sleeping in our bed most of it.... the lack of sleep makes my morning sickness 100x worse... so now I just feel like a tired asshole who cant stop vomiting everywhere... not to mention how awful it is when ya kids are sick... sucks so much fat schlong

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  • MattyP
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Imma loose a lot of people here but I hope you stock it through

To be more specific the election is what's pissing me of

I am a fan of politics, always have been. I love knowing how this country works, it's gross and bloated but without it, well we wouldn't be here right now.

But for 2 months every 4 years almost every friend, family, acquaintance, colleague and the union becomes an instant expert in politics.

The problem with the election it becomes a gladiatorian battle to the death. The general population and media can't get enough of it. Journalism breaks down into editorial pieces. We scream for more blood and then wonder how we got here.

The stage is set, the colosseum is ready and we the audience can't get enough of it.

You share the most pro or anti x or y or z party as much as you can without fact checking because it agreed with your preconceived biases, you tell your friends this country is in ruins by the other. And the party machine does the same. Anytime anyone tried to rise above they get shot down faster than Chris Evans on top gear.

I've had the union at work tell me whom I should be voting for, I've had friends show me known bullsh*t and treat it as truth. Logic goes out the window for these brief months.

The real problem is the loudest and the angriest, yell the hardest and get the most attention. While logic gets tossed aside. All proper discourse goes down the drain.

On the wild world of social media everyone has the same opportunity, everyone has an equal platform (to an extent) and lies, fear and scaremongering rule. It doesn't matter if it's true or not because it's already been seen and shared by millions.

It is far easier to scare someone out of the truth than it is to teach them the truth.

I for one can't wait for July 3rd and I can get back to enjoying politics and make informed decisions in 4 years time.

Right now though I'm just sick of it.

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