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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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dRHL5LO.jpg  o2ze561.jpg this is what happens when some fuktard with a boat takes the turning lane and my lane to turn....... = me swerving to miss him and hitting the car next to me!, old mate with the boat can go about his day why im waiting for insurance  bill as im at fault. Carrrrrrrrnt

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Nope! He turned off and I had to pull over to talk with the person id hit... not happy.


Guess re-spray comes earlier now.. was in the plans already, just was hoping to do it at the end of the yr when I do my next lot of mods and stuff.

Has also pushed me back towards Spool kit instead  of Atomic.. bout 3k killed in the budget.

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Not sure if anyone else in Perth lost power last night, but on the way home from looking at houses, I decided to drop into Spud Shed for the weekly food shopping, then got home around 5ish to a completely blacked out unit.


As I had been using the phone heaps to find these places, the battery was below 19% but I managed to check Western Power who stated 9:45PM for resumption of service.


As I wasn't hungry I went to bed p!ssed off that I should have left the shopping until after work today.


Woke at 1:40ish with still no power and the current update was still 9:45PM 19/06/2016.


Woke up at 5:00 dreading having to put my contacts in to candle light (phone had died so no flashlight) and finally about 20 to 6 I have lights but no power to the fridge etc.


Check the power board and there's heaps of smart meters blinking away but no switch to flick for the wall sockets.


So I hope to hell those came on later and I don't have a fridge and freezer to clear out tonight.

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Just gonna throw my 2cents in.... I am from a family with two parents who've been married for over 40 years.....all I remember was thinking how much happier they both deserved to be. Everything was so hard. Even now when we visit my mum talks to my dad like crap...u can tell he's a beaten down man and she's miserable because you can tell she wishes she'd done differently with her life. My point being both of them have a marriage which will be in the rare scenario in a few years for hitting half a decade, doesn't make it a happy one. Growing up with that isn't peachy and the only reason I came out of it was because I was perceptive enough to actually see what was going on, not just think it was the normal. I love both my parents individually so much and both of them could have been such a good partner.... just not for each other. My point is don't ever stay for the kids. Jet and I provide a million times happier and more healthy environment than his previous marriage, to the point where he actually has said to me that it feels like a family and he never had that before. The kids are happy, and  we'll be at our ten year anniversary pretty soon. The point is whatever you chose be happy. Don't throw something away but also don't stick with it because of the kids or because you have to. If you happy their happy!!!!!!



now ill stop being all d&m and say.... omfg can I go home yet.. im tired and I cbf working... I use the term working loosely... more like being at work. lol

Edited by Frederick
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2 minutes ago, mightbuyaford said:


Spewing! Invest in a dash cam, saves you. Ive never had to use mine for an accident purpose but you get some lols off them and cover you in things like this. 


Sucks though as now excess and crap :(


Whats difference in the kits v price. 3k is alot

Atomic kit has just about everything covered in the 698 phase 2 BUILD the Spool covers all the main parts only! 

its about $2500 difference in price then having it all put together and into my car...which will be around 10-12k with gear box, tail shaft, diff, the 472 other things that will come up along the way lol.


The 3k is for getting the cars fixed plus re-spay my whole car. 

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Feeling your pain 100% mightbuyaford cept we have a son to complicate things further and I dont feel like elaborating any further. I dont know wtf but what I do know is the past 5 days have killed me inside. Makes it worse when you feel like its all your fault.

Had a 2hr meeting that I was the centre attention of first thing today, people expecting advice and answers and my head just wasn't in it...

Speaking as someone from a broken home I can say that it's not always a bad thing. My folks split when I was 9 and it sucked at the time but I lived equal time with each parent - 1 week with Dad, then 1 week with mum. Bit sh*t with respects to moving house every Friday, but it made favoritism hard and both of my parents had input into my lives. They also made an effort not to slag each other off to me (admittedly, dad did better at this than mum).

I ended up with two households that cared about me, in which both parents were happier than had they stayed together. I also ended up having a lot more opportunities than I would have if they'd stayed together and I've learnt as much from my step-dad as my mum and dad.

I guess I'm just trying to say that the idea of a kid being involved in a split isn't ideal...but there's ways to manage it, and if you both put things in place that benefit the kid then it's win win.

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Similar experience to Dan, agree with everyone saying happy splits being better than animosity under the one roof.


Life is rarely happy families!

Edited by -Stever-
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