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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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Lame, I missed the second pic so how I don't know what everyone's talking about haha.

Sucks to hear though man, sh*t like that's never pleasant. But as you say, T shopping now...so, yay positives!

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1 minute ago, .Stripes. said:


Lame, I missed the second pic so how I don't know what everyone's talking about haha.



I wonder how he got that photo anyway... 'babe can I just take a photo up your skirt please'


or was it a hidden camera shot?



edit: and turbo shopping is hard, so many things to go wrong on these cars...I got pretty fffing lucky I think. Hope ya find a sweet one :)


Edited by johnxr6t
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21 hours ago, hawlass said:

Whats pissing me off is realising some dumb fkr chopped the plugs on the gtp seats I bought ( airbag and pretensioner), turns out they are BA and im putting them into my bf2.

Ford in their infinite wisdom decided to change one of the plugs (pretensioner) as well so it looks like my options are chop the plugs off the old seats and solder to the gtp seats, or just bypass the plugs and solder permanantly.

Whats the opinion of those in the know?, just want to be sure, safety equipment and all.


This is my cars plugs in good order v the gtps cut mess




This is the underside of my old bf2 seats, so I can follow wires by colour and solder, as long as ford didnt change the order of the colours, black became red etc.



A real pita I didnt need, so whats your thoughts ?


Aquire another BF side airbad seat mate. 


You can't substitue the yellow airbag connector with a normal connector as it has a special earthing bar to tells the RCM if there is an issue with the connector.


From Memory the wiring colours are the same. I'll dig out both diagrams when I get home. 

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I wonder how he got that photo anyway... 'babe can I just take a photo up your skirt please'


or was it a hidden camera shot?



edit: and turbo shopping is hard, so many things to go wrong on these cars...I got pretty fffing lucky I think. Hope ya find a sweet one


Again, literally no idea what you're talking about...

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It's coz you've already seen it, so it's in your browser cache, but coz I didn't see it before it was removed it doesn't appear for me. And yes, Keith, tried in chrome browser too :P

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