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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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Simple Definition of bigot

  • : a person who strongly and unfairly dislikes other people, ideas, etc. : a bigoted person;especially : a person who hates or refuses to accept the members of a particular group (such as a racial or religious group)

Source: Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary
1 hour ago, MattyP said:

Amazing coincidence haha

To be fair, was a fair call, some members of our community is that way inclined and what you said was beyond offensive, it was bigoted. Id suggest copping it sweet and move on


I have copped it sweet Matty

but the rhetoric here can be very one sided and for the record I never said I hated Homosexuals, in fact the opposite is true

I am not a homophobe in fact, (and I'm really going out on a limb here and bearing my soul) many years before I became a born again Christian I was involved in a homosexual relationship.

I decided that it wasn't for me and moved on

I accept that *beep* are *beep* but society (including this forum) is totally intolerant of any opinion that can be construed as negative towards them.

I have had truly bigoted things said to me on this forum which I found "beyond offensive" but those people never got banned

Matty, I have accepted that people just find me offensive because I stand up for the God of the Bible and I move on.

I'm here in this forum because I love fast cars, there's heaps of info and the members are generally fun to interact with

for the majority of the time its fun.

sometimes someone belittles me for who I stand for but hey, I'm not getting my knickers in a knot because of it.

If I have offended people here I am truly sorry to those people.




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1 hour ago, MattyP said:

....what you said was beyond offensive, it was bigoted.... 

What did I miss, haha. 


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  • MattyP
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What did I miss, haha. 


Everything keif haha

Its not about the bible or god or anything like that.

Its about treating everyone else with the respect they deserve,

People can believe and love their god/s as much as they want, but you're own personal beliefs doesn't give you free rein to put others down in a negative fashion and make assumptions based on what you've been told is right or wrong in your church.

The minorities, which you say have been apart of, have been persecuted just because they love someone different. People have lost their lives because of it due to extreme emotional distress leading to suicide or state persecutions (saudi arabia for example). Personally there isnt a debate. What two consenting humans do in their own home, whom arent hurting anyone including themselves, is none of mine or the states business.

The bible isn't everyones moral/ethical compass. Also Considering people of similar faith to yours are more than happy with being same sex inclined or being ok with the same sex inclined, I dont think it has a place here.

Lastly free speech (which australia does not have its an american thing) means you can say whatever you want. And I will defend you being able to say whatever you want in your own home, but this isn't your home, this is a privately run car forum. And the people whom run it deemed your comments unsavory (to say the least). And that's ok because if you dont like the way this forum is run then you are more than welcome to leave. But play by the rules, have a nice time, respect one another and everything will be ok

Now lets get back to boost

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Simple Definition of bigot

  • : a person who strongly and unfairly dislikes other people, ideas, etc. : a bigoted person;especially : a person who hates or refuses to accept the members of a particular group (such as a racial or religious group)

Source: Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary  

I have copped it sweet Matty

but the rhetoric here can be very one sided and for the record I never said I hated Homosexuals, in fact the opposite is true

I am not a homophobe in fact, (and I'm really going out on a limb here and bearing my soul) many years before I became a born again Christian I was involved in a homosexual relationship.

I decided that it wasn't for me and moved on

I accept that *beep* are *beep* but society (including this forum) is totally intolerant of any opinion that can be construed as negative towards them.

I have had truly bigoted things said to me on this forum which I found "beyond offensive" but those people never got banned

Matty, I have accepted that people just find me offensive because I stand up for the God of the Bible and I move on.

I'm here in this forum because I love fast cars, there's heaps of info and the members are generally fun to interact with

for the majority of the time its fun.

sometimes someone belittles me for who I stand for but hey, I'm not getting my knickers in a knot because of it.

If I have offended people here I am truly sorry to those people.




And there it is...

Ive said it once ill say it again... those with a negative attitude or homophobes are always the ones who are gey themselves...

U got fharked in the arse hated the judgement... found "god" and rose above it...

Good for u...

U copped it in the pooper

Your going to hell... cheers

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13 minutes ago, JETURBO said:

Does a dick in the arse hurt as much as a dick in the arse ?

It is congruent 

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Long of the short was that he said that *ohmos* were sick and homosexuality was a sickness and they need to be treated.

So basically the most offensive thing u can say to someone who was born a certain way and never has the way they loved others hurt anyone or done anything to anyone else.

And just to be frank... since were quoting definitions

A sickness os defined as this:


Last time I checked my gay friends didnt have a disorder, they didnt sit around vomiting all day, and they werent contagious!!!

Being gay isnt a choice but even if it is then whats the problem with it!?!!!?

Am I missing something???

They fact they choose to share love with someone who has the same genetalia as them is not hurting society or anyone else.... infact isnt love of any kind a positive?

Just to add... I watched a fascinating historian who is becoming famous for basically discrediting every story in the bible...

Like time stamps and dates dont match... there were no camels in the region at the time as they hadnt been introduced ... etc etc stories were bascially all wonderful but made up.

Not to say god doesnt exist but basically the book is a crap represenation of what he or she probably stands for as its a mere bunch of mortals telling stories....

Ten bucks says they just didnt like the camp as fhark homosexual they roomed with back in the day and decided to put it in the book... also they hated shellfish... who the f*ck hates shellfish!?!?@? We trust the words of these people...yeah ok lol

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