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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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Was driving the family to visit grandma and grandpa and my alternator died. Battery was too far gone as well. Needed my brother in law to play chauffeur for awhile.

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  • I <3 Floods
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After what can be described as a sh*t of a few months changing jobs and having another kid turn up.. I realised that it's been over 12 months since I had any real 'me' time. Since buying this house I've dedicated every spare moment outside work to doing stuff around the house and looking after the little guy.

After much debate I convinced the wife to let me have a proper blokes outing today. 18 holes of golf, break for lunch and beer with taxis there and back.

My sister in law went into labour last night which meant we got an extra couple rug rats to look after which meant I had to pull the pin on golf.

That's okay. I mean it's life. sh*t happens.

So anyway pack up two cars with kids and head out to a local cafe/garden where 3 of the kids can amuse themselves easily while we get coffee and milkshakes and biscuits.

Coffee shop was having phone repairs done by Telstra. So it was cash only. As someone who doesn't often carry much cash this resulted in the kids and the missus all getting their orders and me missing out.

I mean first world problems extreme but today just seems like a crap day.

Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk

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Hear every word you say Panda.

Don't that many of times gone out for ice cream, coffee milkshakes cake and 99% of the time I walk away with nothing. It's what dads do best miss out.

I the same it's been well over 5 years since I've done anything just me. Well that's coming to an end in a few weeks.

Family and I are heading up north on Thursday 3rd they come back on Sunday and I stay for a whole week by myself coming home the following Sunday. I have State championship on, even though I'm busy it's just me. So looking forward to it.

Make sure you reschedule that golf game mate everyone needs me time.


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  • Puff
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You blokes mean to say that "me" days actually exist after having kids? I thought I wasn't going to get one until I was 55 at least. 

Edited by Puffwagon
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Saw a female on her p-plates texting on her phone while tailgating the car in front. The bitch was looking up and down while the car in front started slowing down and she just managed to react in time and avoid rear ending them. Some people aren't getting the message, and more often than not they're young girls. 


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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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You blokes mean to say that "me" days actually exist after having kids? I thought I wasn't going to get one until I was 55 at least. 

R u guys for real

I need to start asking more of jet apparently

That bloke gets max "me" days lol

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