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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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New job has been full on. So full on I don't have time for forum.

We played pictionary today for team building all morning. And went golfing Friday Arvie for the same reason.

Tough gig.

Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Sounds like an amazingly hard change of pace considering what you were up against previous panda lmao

Well the inventory we did here last week wrapped up

The guy in question also (in his heroin induced state caused a fair whack of damage last month as well

Here's a small taste of what I had my guys going through last week


I've had more dealings with sapol over this bloke than anything or anyone else ever.

He's a real con artist junkie

My empathy got the best of me at the start and I got taken for a ride

Tampering with security systems and breaking entering. Drugs. Sleeping here. Doing deals on site. You name it.

He's been the Pain in my ass for the last three months but finally the cops emailed me today and said they're pressing charges and he's been released on bail.

At least they're progressing with it Coz he deserves everything he gets.


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And when the gun runs out of bullets he's got arrows by the looks, what a champ

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  • To Loud
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On 2/21/2016 at 9:23 PM, .Stripes. said:

Other than moving house (current housemates have 2 dogs and don't live anywhere near as clean and tidy as I have previously) and taking the antidepressants (which does list eczema as a potential side effect, albeit with a very low rate of occurrence) I can't think of anything else that's changed that could have triggered it.


Any possibility of changing medication for depression? I had to take 3 different types for sleeping at night. First two types of medication knocked me out cold and slept in a few times. Got to work late and had no idea why as I have never slept in before.

Doctor knew what had happened and changed the medication. Third lot of pills helped me sleep at night, but did knock me out cold for 12 hours. ;)


This is WPMOT


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Probably, but I'm in a much better headspace than I was this time last year and would now like to be able to work on sustaining that long term without medication. I spent a lot of time, effort and money to get out of that headspace and I now have a much better understanding of my triggers and a better handle on the types of thoughts I was having previously. Essentially, I don't feel they hold the same power of me that they used to. Getting out of the relationship I was in has helped too, as that was a damaging environment for me.

Also planning on trying to see if I can wean off Nexium (PPI I take for heartburn), which I've been taking since I first went to see the doctor in December 2014 before losing weight. Ideally I'd like to not be dependent on that and see if improving my health has improved that aspect or not. Going to try weaning off that while I'm in Broome over the next 3 weeks, largely as I'll be eating healthy and exercising everyday, so will be my best opportunity to test. I'm not looking forward to it though, apparently weaning off can be horrible as there's some acid rebound effect that kicks in...so I'm sure it'll be fun :ermm:

What'd you do to your wrist Marco? Masturbating too furiously? :nyaah:

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  • To Loud
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I am better known as the local hoon for speeding. mrs palmer was not happy about that. :P


nah fell of a chair and put my hand out to stop the fall. hurting like hell at the moment.

I take nexium as well and that is because of the ulcer I have.

I rather take the daily medication than having an op to remove the ulcer.


I was on the anti depressants for a month and a tad and then got off them. I now know that I have to get my beauty sleep or face the consequences.

Going to the gym at 05:45am means I have to go to be earlier as well to get my beauty sleep.

I felt the depression setting in this week cause of lack of sleep(damn cast). so I went to bed earlier last night.

Feeling a lot better today, but not going to the gym is being felt by the body.


Holidays soon for me as well, which doesnt help that I got a cast on. Bali here we come......

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