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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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I agree that someone's belief isn't worth much if they are not willing to put it to the test. And yes, some religions or churches do dull critical thinking with their approach. But likewise, a desire for God to not exist (because if he does, that surely requires some sort of response from us) can also dull critical thinking. Personally, I was amazed at the amount of evidence that exists that Jesus lived, dies and rose. Similarly the number of copies and agreement between copies of ancient biblical texts, as evidence that it has been passed down accurately through time, is enormous compared to other historical texts whose accuracy is never questioned. An imvestigate journalist, Lee Strobel, who was a full blown atheist, wrote a book called Case for Christ which laid this out for me really clearly.

If I tell someone what I believe it's because I genuinely care about them, not because I'm fanatically trying to get them to join my club. The choice is theirs.

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Who are you kidding? All historical texts are fact checked where it is possible to do so or taken as hearsay/storytelling where evidence is not available. 

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4 hours ago, Buf-Phoon said:

funny thing I'm on page 666 :ermm:


3 hours ago, k31th said:

666 FTW! 

You both beat me to it damn you.  

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I've said it before and there was quite a heated debate that ensued.

 I find that there is a lot of hostility against the thought that there could quite possibly be an acual God out there.

I'm not one to make assumptions, but, the possibility of hostility here on this forum is quite high.

Even in the "off topic" part of the forum, a healthy debate on God is sometimes  too much for some people and they will play the, "this is a car fourum" card, "so you and your God can just piss off"

So here it is folks,  - - - -     God has been the answer to all of my problems in life since I put my faith in him.

I will share just one of the things I can attribute directly to my God, the God of the Bible, Jesus Christ. (There has been many, many more)

I had been married  for 7 years and the 7 year itch was hard apon me, I was dissatisfied with my relationship and basically wanted to upgrade to a newer model.

My life was not to unusual  (apart from a lot of world travel, which is similar today) the usual, drinking, smoking and drug taking that a lot of Australian's find quite normal.

God showed me the fact that we are here one minute and gone the next by the death of a close friend.

At the time a guy at work had been sharing the gospel with me, how Jesus Christ had paid for my soul by dying on the cross for my sin, and rose from the dead on the 3rd day, over coming death and sin.

So on the day of my friends death I repented of my sin and put my faith in Jesus Christ and was born again.

When I told my wife what I had done her reaction was that she wanted to leave me.

I thought that was a pretty  drastic form of action, but hey, no skin off my nose,  I wanted a new model anyway. 

That was 17 years ago, we are still together, I love my wife more now than I ever have.

I believe  that God held our relationship  together,  for a reason I have no explanation  for I lost any desire to trade my wife in for a new model, and she lost all desire to leave me.

She has not become a born again believer, she just accepts my faith.

I would love it if she would chose to believe in Jesus Christ, but I will not force her to do anything.

I'm not perfect by any stretch  of the imagination, I can still swear  on the odd occasion, and sometimes I drink 2 much.

I know in my heart of hearts that there is a God.

I'm not trying to convince anyone here to search for God, but if you do,  I can guarantee that you will find him.

You can flame me all you like, I'm a big boy, but just so you can be accurate  with your flaming, I have studied a lot of religions and belief systems and found them all lacking in credibility.

I have headed into the Christianity of the Bible with an open mind and God has blessed me with things I never dreamed of.

People have said that I chose God because  of weakness, and a closed mind.

I chose God because there is so much more to life than what we see







Allah seems like a reasonable prophet. Such a peace loving role model.

Religion is a crutch, not a solution.

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WPMO. Went to the track a week and a bit ago and the car started missing on WOT or under load so I retired it for the day. It's still fine on partial throttle. I was really hoping it was just the plugs but I changed them today and it wasn't. (The old plugs still looked fine so I'll keep them as backups). I'm now thinking I cooked one of the coils. Time to find some cheap coils!

P.S. Is there a way to test which coil it is before I buy a set?

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