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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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To be honest the Benz was exactly the same price as my FG F6 310 which I sold, and came out of my own pocket, not funds from the site. The funds from the site doesn't even cover the monthly server hosting and maintenance. 

The upgrade difference has come out of my own pocket....

Of course not really as if I actually contribute anything...just sarcasm. Benz thing was just a joke I had seen you post bout it and why you traded in the upgrade thread. Sorry to offend.

Tapatalk issues are just formatting, not sure how this appears in the browser but the paragraph spaces get lost once posted, this does not seem to be an issue with tapatalk as its not an issue on other forums. Also cant see any likes anywhere, at all. Your own posts or others. You do however still get notifications about it, again only occured after the upgrade and others have reported the same issues. Thought the upgrade thread was locked now? so posted bout here, not really that pissed off bout it at all though...

I understand things arent free and had also seen your post about being out of pocket for this upgrade previously. Id have to agree with keif though, I just assumed running costs,maintenance, upgrades ect would be covered by sponsorship and advertisers. I understand you work and this is not a source of income...

probably is about time I donated....

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If I said "God", would there be haters much?






Oops I said it.

It's what I was thinking. For me the fact that we aren't actually in control of our happiness but something bigger is, is a huge relief and a source of happiness in itself. You can run yourself into the ground building up cash and things that everyone tells you equate to happiness, but at the end of the day it's not going to mean a thing. Terrible things of course happen and we don't always understand why, but knowing there is a bigger context than us helps.

Apparently He can't fix the forum though

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  • Feeling the Love :-)
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38 minutes ago, camo86T said:

If I said "God", would there be haters much?






Oops I said it.

I've said it before and there was quite a heated debate that ensued.

 I find that there is a lot of hostility against the thought that there could quite possibly be an acual God out there.

I'm not one to make assumptions, but, the possibility of hostility here on this forum is quite high.

Even in the "off topic" part of the forum, a healthy debate on God is sometimes  too much for some people and they will play the, "this is a car fourum" card, "so you and your God can just piss off"

So here it is folks,  - - - -     God has been the answer to all of my problems in life since I put my faith in him.

I will share just one of the things I can attribute directly to my God, the God of the Bible, Jesus Christ. (There has been many, many more)

I had been married  for 7 years and the 7 year itch was hard apon me, I was dissatisfied with my relationship and basically wanted to upgrade to a newer model.

My life was not to unusual  (apart from a lot of world travel, which is similar today) the usual, drinking, smoking and drug taking that a lot of Australian's find quite normal.

God showed me the fact that we are here one minute and gone the next by the death of a close friend.

At the time a guy at work had been sharing the gospel with me, how Jesus Christ had paid for my soul by dying on the cross for my sin, and rose from the dead on the 3rd day, over coming death and sin.

So on the day of my friends death I repented of my sin and put my faith in Jesus Christ and was born again.

When I told my wife what I had done her reaction was that she wanted to leave me.

I thought that was a pretty  drastic form of action, but hey, no skin off my nose,  I wanted a new model anyway. 

That was 17 years ago, we are still together, I love my wife more now than I ever have.

I believe  that God held our relationship  together,  for a reason I have no explanation  for I lost any desire to trade my wife in for a new model, and she lost all desire to leave me.

She has not become a born again believer, she just accepts my faith.

I would love it if she would chose to believe in Jesus Christ, but I will not force her to do anything.

I'm not perfect by any stretch  of the imagination, I can still swear  on the odd occasion, and sometimes I drink 2 much.

I know in my heart of hearts that there is a God.

I'm not trying to convince anyone here to search for God, but if you do,  I can guarantee that you will find him.

You can flame me all you like, I'm a big boy, but just so you can be accurate  with your flaming, I have studied a lot of religions and belief systems and found them all lacking in credibility.

I have headed into the Christianity of the Bible with an open mind and God has blessed me with things I never dreamed of.

People have said that I chose God because  of weakness, and a closed mind.

I chose God because there is so much more to life than what we see







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Long shot but did you ever think that maybe, just maybe she looked into how much it was going to cost to divorce you and how much she stood to loose and went 


"Eh f*ck it I'll give it another go" 


just sayn 


but please let us all know the next time some old pimp dog in a killer lyon cloth rocks up and saves a bunch of innocent people from the next suicide bombing and mentions he's name is the big ol J banger and we should check his shiz next sunday at some killer establishment hard working people have paid for by semi force able donations...... Around 5% not near but exactly of their salaries 



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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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All I got from that is that God killed ya mate to make a point .... Sounds like a top bloke

The only thing that makes me ok nowadays with not starting a heated debate proving that there is likely no God is that one day everyone will die and they won't go to heaven but instead nothing

Poof nothing a whole lot of black

But then that pisses me off they won't even know how wrong they were when alive

Oh well.... I'll save the religion for the weak and the pedos

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