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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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People that park their pieces of sh*t next to my car when I have intentionally chosen to park in an empty space with no cars on either side. You'd think they would choose one of the 20 other available spots but no, they feel the need to go right next to me. Fair enough if the car park is full but seriously, I don't understand the logic of it unless they deliberately want to open their doors into other cars, not like they would give a sh*t because those people are selfish, inconsiderate assholes.

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^^ this.... it's amazing how often this happens.

Everywhere else you go in public that has this sort of arrangement (seating, trains, buses, urinals etc) almost everybody leaves a one person gap between themselves and the next person to maintain the "bubble". This logic just doesn't seem to translate to car-parks.

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Yep, I just don't get it. I mean if it's someone that owns another nice car it's a bit better cause they will probably respect your car as they park next to you and open the door (you'd hope), but unfortunately that's not the case with everyone else that isn't a car enthusiast. Quite frankly it has me paranoid to leave my car anywhere.


Edited by kokentoe
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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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I drive a brand new kluger and I park at the end of the car park due to being scared of scratches and liking the walk most of all

I find it so irritating when people play the "who can get closest to the door game" (excluding when it's raining or the disabled etc, you fat khunts just walk the extra 20m, it's Adelaide ffs!!!! It's never that busy!!!!

Jet is the opposite

For convenience will park as close to the door as he can in his brand new clubby between two pieces of crap and somehow they never seem to leave a mark

But I will probably have a person scratch mine 100m away or a trolley run into it

Murph is a khunt

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So let me get this straight

Kokeface and the guy who doesn't drive his car agree on a parking issue


Yes, whinginator :)

I drive a brand new kluger and I park at the end of the car park due to being scared of scratches and liking the walk most of all

I find it so irritating when people play the "who can get closest to the door game" (excluding when it's raining or the disabled etc, you fat khunts just walk the extra 20m, it's Adelaide ffs!!!! It's never that busy!!!!

Jet is the opposite

For convenience will park as close to the door as he can in his brand new clubby between two pieces of crap and somehow they never seem to leave a mark

But I will probably have a person scratch mine 100m away or a trolley run into it

Murph is a khunt

Khunts who drive commo's respect other khunts who drive commo's - who knew...

or does this lack of consideration for others come FROM the long walk to the farkin' front door...

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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  • Location: SA

Yes, whinginator :)

Khunts who drive commo's respect other khunts who drive commo's - who knew...

or does this lack of consideration for others come FROM the long walk to the farkin' front door...

If your pissy Coz it takes an extra 1 minute walk to the door then u need a fitness evaluation !!!

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