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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • Gold Donating Members
  • Member For: 16y 8m 30d
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Yeh I have random moments but I don't like showing it as I then get expected to maintain that level of normality haha

I dunno but negative is to easy and it's weird but why hate doing what we all have to do ( cept don cause broken and aged xD )

I'm that bloke on site who's usually singing and dancing around acting like it's friday 4:45 every day and people are like " why are you so happy " , why not is my answer

People ring me and typically start with "how you going"

My reply ... Living the dream buddy

It's easy to be negative and it flows on but it's taken ages from when it got pointed out from an apprentice by all people why I was always on the negative side of things vs positive and I made a change

The amount of times I get home and say I had a great day is well on the up over the typical "yeh chit normal crap day"

What's to be negative about we live in Australia and we have jobs ( cept don cause won lotto ( shussss don't tell any one ) )

Even if it does get better than that it's still right up there as far as a life style goes especially compared to most other places

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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
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I'll allow the first reference to me but the second isn't correct

My brother did (about 20 years ago)

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  • Member For: 10y 4m 8d
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What's a typical FIFO get paid? I know nothing about that industry but from all the talk it sounds like at least $250-300k a year?

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  • All stock bar the k&n panel filter
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^WHS. Lol.

Some of the shutdown type contractors doing 4/1 rosters and crazy sh*t like that CAN earn the equivalent of that sort of money...but it's not necessarily consistent work, and definitely not sustainable.

As Ralph said, professional roles in mining don't pay as much as people outside of the industry seem to think. We do tend to get better conditions and rosters though. Even then, there's definitely a bunch of the underground workers on my site who'd earn a whole bunch more than me, but they're the crusty dudes who have been stuck working underground working their way up for a decade or more. Base trucky wage on my site would probably work out to around $90k a year for working 2 weeks on (a week of night shift, then a week of day shift), 1 week off. And that's driving a f*cking truck up and down in complete darkness for 12 hours a day.

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  • WOT?
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  • Member For: 12y 5d
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  • Location: Frankston, 3199

WPMO: Ripped the front bumper off the car yesterday, reversing over something that got caught :(

No pics coz too pissed off

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