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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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The 6 cylinders are all noise and nothing until very high in the revs

LOL mang mang mobiles make crap noises in low revs then mang mang noises as you bounce them off the limiter spinning one tyre.

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Blew the r sole out of my old faithful Alpine 12" sub today.

Not really pissed off that it died as it was 10+ yrs old so didn't owe me much. Pissed off because of the smell. Burnt epoxy anybody?

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PS I got given a wagon so it clouds things but man I miss my car. I would have a different opinion if it was an SS redline or higher since the power would be ok...but the steering isn't giving me as much feedback which has proven unnerving on the corners. Some sort of dead zone appears on higher speed ones.

I don't have HUD speedo. Hoping I just need to turn it on?

Comparing apples and oranges but the worse handling and braking I've had to get used to.

Seats are comfier, spongier, than my 2007 Falcon. Haven't noticed the difference in driver perceived height?

Interior is fine, not something I care about much... Until the round chrome trim on the AC vents etc hit me with sun glare no matter the angle. EAD to the person that designed those.

The beeping warning when reversing is farked. Missus loathes it because it pierces her eardrums. Can you turn it off?

When you press the shut off engine button it makes a sound like a duck quack hahaha. The indicator noise sounds like it's coming from a speaker in the cluster.

Mainly I need power but the V8 range cost double to hire. The V6 is lame. Enough to get you there but boring as fark. No surprise there though. The missus summed up my experience: "It sounds like a bitch".

Everything is adjustable , you just need to read the manual. When I went to Tasy I booked car with GPS but that car broke, so they gave me a V8 statesman. Nearly blew the tyres off on the way to Straun.

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  • Sandtrap Motorsport
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Blew the r sole out of my old faithful Alpine 12" sub today.

Not really pissed off that it died as it was 10+ yrs old so didn't owe me much. Pissed off because of the smell. Burnt epoxy anybody?

Just clicked with your convo yesterday re: sub install.

It finally gave way huh

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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No HUD eh, bugger. Was the number one thing I was looking forward to when I had to get the Holden. Oh well! I'll nuke those beeping noises, thanks for the tip. Not enough time to read the manual yesterday after collection.

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  • MattyP
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Ok David Wolfe on FB really grinds my gears... One of the worst promoters of absolute nonsense and bullsh*ttery there is. Just thinking about it makes my blood boil

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I've got everyone on my FB set to either ignore or do not follow, so I only see crap when I go looking for it.

I had to stop replying to f*ckwit posts and that was the best way - far too much anti-vax, psychic mumbo, natural remedy, big pharm/corporate conspiracy garbage being forwarded by people I used to think weren't imbeciles.

I used to call them out on it, but it's a losing battle - save my comments now for only the most retarded crap that my filters don't catch.

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  • WOT?
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WPMO: Breathed in a fly (yuk - happens about once a year - you get over it)

Just f*cking happened again.

This one behaved and was swallowed straight down - had a big sip of coffee as a chaser.

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  • Feeling the Love :-)
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Haha you prettty much nailed it

It does my head in

So much quakkery

I wanna give up on fb because of it

I have given up on FB.

deleted my account about 6 months ago.

I now just use CarBook (fordxr6turbo.com)

Most of the people here are reasonably sane :pandalol:

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