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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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That's f*cked up barnz. Some people are such carnts...I don't get the desire some people have to actively choose to hurt animals, or other people for that matter. Maybe it's just coz it's not in my nature, but I just don't get it.

I dont think it was actually on purpose it was running between cars as the traffic stop started. Dont think he knew it was there or really paying attention. He had just stopped as it ran under the front bar sorta area and stopped basically infront of the tyre. Looked at the 2 ppl putting their hands up gesturing to stop/stay in a panick, they were standing at the kerb. He looked at them, gave zero f*cks and just moved off with the traffic. Bye bye kitty... Edited by barnz
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Maybe he thought they were trying to car jack him... Yeah I dunno

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I say arrogant f*ck coz if a man who looked dressed for a work and a kid of about 12 were looking at me in a panick telling me to stop...I would and wonder whats wrong...most normal people would.

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Yeah it was as unpleasant as you would imagine....felt bad for the kid. Hope they were just on their way to work and stopped to help and not their cat..busy main road no houses really. Have also seen a random kitten running alongside the barrier on the highway very close to there as well. Feral cat problem maybe..

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Speaking of feral cats and things that piss you off, the tiny country town where the missus is working seems to consider it fine and dandy to release unwanted cat litters into the bush instead of getting cats fixed because the vet is a few hours away. Not sure if I mentioned this already but I was fking disgusted when she told me. She couldn't believe it either. Intelligent professional people doing this as well not inbred yokels.

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That's bullsh*t Steve, people are farked.

Reminds me, although could probably go in the WMMFG thread, but my folks were walking the dog last week near Kent St Weir and this unmarked little kitten came bounding out of the bush and straight up to play with the dog. It had no collar or anything so they took it home. Mum did some laps of nearby houses to try find the owner but had no luck, took it the vet and it wasn't microchipped or anything either. They've put posters up and contacted a bunch of places trying to find the owner, but no luck so far.

Pisses me off that people could abandon an innocent little kitten like that. It's super affectionate and friendly too, came straight up to me for pats and cuddles when I got there.

The bit I could post in the WMMFG thread is that it's pretty farkin cute (despite the fact it has no soul...)!


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Lol, cats can be alright but it has to be the right one. They are very hit and miss. That one sounds like a keeper. Both my cats are crazy as batsh*t and pretty funny. They will also happily just chill out with my border collie, often find all 3 just spread out on the patio sleepies lol....

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