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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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sh*t thing is I just found out what happened. Apparently the poor little thing got trapped under the garage door and pinned by her neck a couple of days ago. Apparently that wasn't what cause the damage, but she must have struggled so hard that she broke her femur. They were contemplating surgery, but after discussing it thoroughly with the vet they decided she was too old to heal properly and would have just prolonged her agony. Poor little cat...what a horrible way to go :tear2: Worst bit is my step-dad feels like it's his fault coz he didn't see her when he closed the garage door. But she was stone deaf, like couldn't hear a damn thing, so it's not his fault...just super unfortunate.

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  • loitering with intent
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Keep telling your step dad ( my kids have one ) he will no doubt feel

like a proper Kent. RIP Ms Feline, A fine innings

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Agreed, a great innings. We had a family cat at Dad's go after about 19 years, was about as old as me. Had three legs the whole time I knew him, was a cool cat, not a dick like they often can be. Sorry to hear Dan.

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  • loitering with intent
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Not to let the cats get all the love , we had " Super Pedro" the dog

He was a Spoodle before they became a fashion accessory. Lived until 18 despite the knocks he took.

Run over by a car doing 80ks , vet said he probably wouldn't ever walk unassisted. Jumping fences

2 months later. Savaged by two great Danes. Critical again.He started it. Tail up alpha male. Fearless.

Timmy the mongrel cat was his nemesis..Cat up tree Dog waiting for hours at the base.

Cat got tired, descended tree. Dog goes back to his box. No chase. WTF.

Houdini of hounds. Could escape from any where.Never a barker. Ruthless efficiency

Only dog I've seen catch and kill a crow. Awesome animal.

Maybe a missed pet thread ?

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Sorry to hear Stripes, at least she had 19 good years, five more than most moggies.

My cat waits for me to get home from work and follows me around like a dog.

She got hit by a car and fractured her pelvis a few years back, $900 and 6 weeks in a big cage at home has her back to her best. She was only 2 at the time so it was a no brainer , by 19 I think I would have made the same decision as your folks.

Shes 12 now so not looking forward to that decision - hopefully she makes 19 like yours.

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