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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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Make a contribution to their life of some kid.

Dunno about that advice, I'd wait until you know you wanna be tied to them for at least 18 years :P

Make em laugh and make em orgasm is solid advice though!

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So I found a job that would be an awesome opportunity for me and that I am super suitable for with both my qualifications, experience and skills. So I wrote a mean cover letter and updated my CV accordingly and sent it all off this arvo...only to realise after I'd sent it that there was a spelling mistake in it. When a senior HR rep had recently adjusted the formatting of my CV for me, she'd sent it back to me with a spelling mistake in the university name of one of my qualifications. Worst bit is that there's another degree from the same uni listed directly below it and spelled correctly. FARK! :rant2:

Well, I got an email from their HR this morning...so they've made contact at least...this, however, leads me to what Panda said:

Selection Criteria.

All of a sudden applying for a different job seems like a really sh*thouse idea..

I remember reading in the add they'd posted on seek that they wanted someone with a distinction average (70%) at uni. Their email this morning wanted to know my high school and uni scores. Seriously, how is my high school grades even relevant at this stage in my career?! But anyway, pisses me off that I didn't try harder at uni, coz my course weighted average was 68.18%...I.e. just shy of the 70% distinction average they want. Lame...

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  • loitering with intent
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Whilst I agree with you to an extent , in realty it is really a case what you can do now , the rest

is history. Personally I would respond to refocus them on more recent achievements they may have skimmed over.

HR can play sly little tests like this if they are considering a broader suite of candidates.

Best foot forward, what will it cost you ?

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I have never ever asked or would ask someone what their uni score is. Completely pointless.

It came up in selection criteria for one of the jobs I am looking at. I made mention that I was a C average highschool student. f*ck em. That's the truth.

But as an engineer I would say that 68.1% is 70% if you round up.

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  • All stock bar the k&n panel filter
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I'm a big fan of rounding up! Meh, guess I'll just have to wait and see. That email at least means they're looking at me...so that's a plus I suppose.

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  • WOT?
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I'm a big fan of rounding up!

So's the milkbar down the road

They don't seem to understand that you can type $5.96 into the EFTPOS machine and get confused if I tell them to correct it from the $6.00 they want ask me to pay

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  • loitering with intent
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I'm a big fan of rounding up! Meh, guess I'll just have to wait and see. That email at least means they're looking at me...so that's a plus I suppose.

Probably short listed ( industry dependent). Your call imo

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I have never ever asked or would ask someone what their uni score is. Completely pointless.

It came up in selection criteria for one of the jobs I am looking at. I made mention that I was a C average highschool student. f*ck em. That's the truth.

But as an engineer I would say that 68.1% is 70% if you round up.

I agree mate, definitely think it's pointless. I definitely understand for certain jobs and careers that scores can be relevant. But more often than not it's experience and seeing first hand what the person is capable of. Problem is, most people aren't willing to give someone a go without seeing flawless CV.

I was lucky, I was in the parts department of Barbagallo - the biggest (and for most manufactors the only) European car dealership in Perth. We do Ferrari, Maserati, Lambo, Rolls, Aston, Jag, Land Rover, Lotus, Alfa, Volvo, VW, Skoda, Abarth, Fiat, Chev, GMC, Dodge (rams), Ford (pick ups), Isuzu, and even Sunseeker boats! I was there for 2 months, and one of the managers asked me (at 19 years old) to become a salesman). I'm now just 21, quite possibly in line for a managerial spot shortly. I didn't do TEE (not sure what you all call it in different states), but I just finished school normally doing the 'pleb' sh*t. Lucky for me they were able to see me first hand, whereas if I were putting a resume in I'd have a tough time having a chance at all.

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