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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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Chill out stripes...... if she wants more she'll call you. dont get all desperado.

in the meantime, piks or 25%

Yeah I'm good, was just a brain fart (as Ralph so eloquently coined it) moment early this morning. I have a tendency to over think stuff...joys of ADHD. And given I've technically been single for like 7 or 8 years it's been a bit of a process building up to actually putting myself out there.


I can't believe what whackers girls are

I hear so many stories now about dating it makes me wanna puke

I feel so sorry for blokes now a days

Jet and my first date was washing our cars before jumping in one of em... Driving down the coast through the hills and the Fharkn in the car at 2am

Well specifically half in half out of the car but never the less it was fun

Then drove back to pick up his car

He complimented me on my driving skills

I did some power slides in my turbo ...

Second date was servicing my car together.

The next week he came over to watch movies bahahahaha and he never left.

Yeah, can be pretty brutal out there...especially when you've been out of the game a LONG time...and I mean, sh*t, given my church upbringing I was never really in the game when I was younger either...sooooo yeah, sick!

Stripes are you gay maybe?

Send her a dick pic and one of two things could happen.

1. You get your sunnies in the post

2.or she drops over to give you your sunnies and pulls ya dip stick out and pops her bonnet and lets you check her oil levels.

Or 3. Gay. Lol

Ha, nah brah.

See, I don't get the whole dick pic thing...why the fark would I want to send a photo of my junk to someone I barely know? Best case; I get a sympathy fark. Worst case; there's now a photo of my dick in someone who doesn't think very highly of me's possession, that I no longer have control over (the photo, not the girl).

Problem: Now there is too much anticipation, which creates pressure and too much expectation for next time.

The challenge is to calm down, chill, etc, and not obsess about the one good date too much.

This is smart dating. Do things like you've been together for years.

Cruisy stuff like this means no pressure. No putting up walls or facade. Just being each other's natural selves.

I used to take women to Beatty Park Aquatic Centre in North Perth. Go sit in the sauna and spa. Avantages:

- Cheap. $11 each to get in.

- Relaxed. I do a good massage, so once I get my hands on her shoulders in the spa then she's all mine.

- How often do you get to check her out in a swimsuit the first time you go out together?

I've never been into the formal dinner type of stuff. Conversation is what gets things rolling along - if the communication is going well then there's no nervousness.

Was actually a really chill date, to be honest. Very free flowing and fun. No awkward silences or anything. Seemed to gel really well, personality and humour wise. So after the initial few minutes there wasn't really any nervousness at all.

Haha fark Phil, you're all over the good ideas!

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Yeah I'm good, was just a brain fart (as Ralph so eloquently coined it) moment early this morning. I have a tendency to over think stuff...joys of ADHD. And given I've technically been single for like 7 or 8 years it's been a bit of a process building up to actually putting myself out there.

Yeah, can be pretty brutal out there...especially when you've been out of the game a LONG time...and I mean, sh*t, given my church upbringing I was never really in the game when I was younger either...sooooo yeah, sick!

Ha, nah brah.

Well congrats man, *beep* being single for 7 or 8 years. Glad it went well for you and I'm sure next time will be just as good :)

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Was actually a really chill date, to be honest. Very free flowing and fun. No awkward silences or anything. Seemed to gel really well, personality and humour wise. So after the initial few minutes there wasn't really any nervousness at all.

First date went superbly well, but make sure that you don't put pressure on yourself to repeat it (ie overthinking it).

Haha fark Phil, you're all over the good ideas!

It's too cold now, but a trip to the nudist beach late at night is always fun.

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From my experience - there's no reason not to f*ck on the first date.

I don't do the "mating ritual" crap - am pretty sure most chicks hate it as well

"Dating" is a waste of time - we're not in primary school anymore

"Would you go with me?" is just beating around the bush - when all either party is concerned about is actually beating the bush

You're not looking for a life partner/perfect match on the first date - you're looking for attraction

If it's there then get the monkey off the back and see if you're still talking/attracted next week.

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So umm.. I remember once.. at a beach at night time..

I was absolutely busting for a piss.. Because I was very drunk.

So I found a nice dark corner up against a sea wall to take a piss in..

Apparently a lovely couple had found the same dark corner to have a bit of 'fun' in..

They weren't so lovely after I pissed on them..

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You should try it at least once keef before you knock it :P

Women are fun.

Test drive as many as possible.

See how they handle under particular situations.

Just be polite and reasonably honest about it.

It's not about using them; quite the opposite. Make a contribution to their life of some kid.

A fun outing of any kind is a win for both people.

Women tend to be very co-operative if you're fun to be with.

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