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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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I've only seen a couple of fatal accidents in my life where I've arrived on the scene before any emergency services.

For the most part over time you forget most of the scene except a few vivid snapshots that seem to be forever burned into your memory.

You really got to wonder how emergency services deal with the trauma.

Witnessing things like this really brings home how fragile life is.

Take care Guys!

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  • WOT?
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Email from client late yesterday.:

"I need xxx done urgently - can it by done by mid day tomorrow?"

"Yep - will be $xxxxx. Here's the information I need........"

"That's fine - we'll pay"

"No probs. I still need the extra information as listed below"

Last thing last night:

"Still haven't got the extra info from you - will be pushing for time to get it to you by midday"

This morning:

"Any chance of getting the order by midday?"

"Not unless we get the information I keep asking for........"

A phone call later ("I thought I sent you it") we got the details.

Why would I keep asking for info for an urgent job for you if you'd already sent it?

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  • Carnage on the Garage Floor
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I saw a kid fall under the wheels of a tandem trailer as part of a hay ride. I would've been about 13 - 14yo. It was my Uncle's trailer and my cousin and I were taking tickets. It was for a local footy club fundraiser. We saw this kid run and jump on without paying and we thought we'd get him to pay when the ride finished. We might have been able to signal my Uncle to stop. I remember the kid gave me the finger. As we watched the ride go around the oval he was playing around and got his foot caught on the tie down rail and fell head first and both wheels ran over him. I still remember looking and wondering why he just didn't get up. I'm 47 and I still remember it vividly. I still feel had I attempted to stop the ride he may be alive today.

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  • Too heavy needs boost
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Yeah capt ive had a fatility on the railways

Confronting sh*t it stays with ya that's for sure

been to 9 clean ups. Not much to recognize when a train hits at mainline speed. Had one last week were a person sat in front of the train. So farked.
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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Biz was the the one at Croydon?

I think your lucky if u don't get to see something Fharked

I guess it's the dealing with it part that some forget.

My mum was walking along a street in the cbd when she was 24 months prego with twins

Some bloke decided to jump out of a 9th story window and land at her feet, his arm brushing past her leg on the way down.

She lost two hours of memory after that and wound up at her dads work somehow in shock

She also lost both babies

It really annoys me when people decide to suicide by a means where someone has to directly see them die, especially in a horrific manner such as a train or jumping off a building, I don't know if there's a "good" way to kill yA self

But surey taking some pills and vodka lying in bed is a better way for someone to find u rather then hanging from a ceiling or dismembered on a train track

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  • Too heavy needs boost
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Yeah Croydon.

Seen one when me and my mate were riding our bikes down the train line corridor when we were kids. Near kings road a aboriginal girl walked out from behind the bushes and stood in front of a freight train. I was 13 and all I can say is it was like a party popper filled with meat. Absolute mess. 90km/h track speed in that area.

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  • Feeling the Love :-)
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just read your full post, brought a tear to my eye. Good advice from Buffy. You have my deepest sympathy.

same here, and yes, we all need to be so careful on the road, what Fluff said about being distracted is so true.

I see so many people out there on their phones and generally not concentrating on the task at hand

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