Lennox Member 2,586 Member For: 12y 7d Gender: Male Location: Perth Posted 25/06/15 05:26 AM Share Posted 25/06/15 05:26 AM Busted during transit I'm guessing... Voice coils can be rewound and it's very much worth it if it's a decent woofer... had it done to my Idmax before was much cheaper than replacement Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.Stripes. All stock bar the k&n panel filter Silver Donating Members 8,061 Member For: 12y 11m 20d Gender: Male Location: Perth Posted 25/06/15 05:57 AM Share Posted 25/06/15 05:57 AM Pulled the fuse and looked ok. The amp was turning on, little green light was coming but no sound. I find it hard to believe it would have been busted in transport, it was on the seat in my car wrapped in blankets and I drove VERY slowly and carefully all the way to the new place... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mrs Jeturbo Bob the Freaking Builder Donating Members 10,813 Member For: 15y 5m 21d Gender: Female Location: SA Posted 25/06/15 09:09 AM Share Posted 25/06/15 09:09 AM I'm currently watching a guy pretty much die Two cars infront of me head on with a bus at 70km an hour Can't move Hot hudo with me so I can't do much f*ckn people piss me off wit their need to sticky beak and sh*t too f*ck off and drive or else there will be another accident Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lennox Member 2,586 Member For: 12y 7d Gender: Male Location: Perth Posted 25/06/15 10:44 AM Share Posted 25/06/15 10:44 AM Pulled the fuse and looked ok. The amp was turning on, little green light was coming but no sound. I find it hard to believe it would have been busted in transport, it was on the seat in my car wrapped in blankets and I drove VERY slowly and carefully all the way to the new place...Sorry didn't mean it would be the voice coils busted in transport was just saying they're worth fixing sometimes... they stink when they're burning Connection ripped off somewhere, tinsel lead or something? Guess you don't care anyway if you bought a new one Wpmo so little time home so much to do.... and people asking me to help wire their houses arrgh Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.Stripes. All stock bar the k&n panel filter Silver Donating Members 8,061 Member For: 12y 11m 20d Gender: Male Location: Perth Posted 25/06/15 11:00 AM Share Posted 25/06/15 11:00 AM I never really liked the sub anyway to be honest haha. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Never had any say Panda I <3 Floods Silver Donating Members 11,198 Member For: 13y 7m 5d Gender: Male Location: South West QLD Posted 25/06/15 11:54 AM Share Posted 25/06/15 11:54 AM Start governmental position next week.One of my really good clients just had a project go pear shaped, sensationally..Really really want to help them out (they are good people and they pay good), but my governmental requirement is full time..Currently debating whether I can juggle their project at night time if I pass off any phone calls to a younger associate during the days. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mrs Jeturbo Bob the Freaking Builder Donating Members 10,813 Member For: 15y 5m 21d Gender: Female Location: SA Posted 25/06/15 01:15 PM Share Posted 25/06/15 01:15 PM I am not sure what else to do but write this down.I came around a bend of to see two cars come to a random stop and smoke pouring out of what I could only see used to be a VY Late model camira wagon, not noticing the bus pulling over with hazard lights on opposite to me was half mangled.The car was rolling backwards into a grassy ditch on the side of the dark road (single lane each direction), my first instinct was it must be a fender bender as the car in front was blocking my view, so I stayed in the car for a moment. I had my two year old son with me, what could I do, and I certainly wasn't going to be a nosy asshole and walk around and leave my son in the car in the dark of night. But as the as a car pulled up in the opposite direction and headlights shone all I could see was carnage, not just glass and normal sh*t, but the most amount of carnage I've ever seen. Tyres rolling across the road detached from rims, inner headlights from a bus, bumpers, panels, smashed plastic and parts of an engine just scattered everywhere.At that point I realised it was something worse, so I slowly drove around and looked, all I could see what what used to be the front of a VY, the windscreen was where the drivers head should have been, the B pillar where the door should sit, the door was off and the engine was God knows where. The two drivers of the cars in front are at the wreck, I wind my windows up and walk over, one guy was a paramedic, there was nothing I could do as he was breathing. His chin looked half off with flesh exposed, his body looked distorted. One leg clearly broken, the other was what I can only describe as stuck and impaled almost in the drivers wheel arch, well what was left of it, which at this point more resembled some crumpled tin shaped half arch sitting where the drivers door used to. I felt useless, my mind was racing, with a million thoughts "I'm a senior first aid officer, shouldn't I know what to do?" "Yes, But he is breathing and therefore we don't move him and you can't do anything right now" "But I feel like I should do something, hold his hand, talk to him, anything" "But I can't stand here when my two year old is screaming in the car panicking where his mum is". So I wandered, back and forth for what felt like an eternity, standing at my car door, knowing full well that others were now turning up as the traffic came to a complete stop in both directions. I can't turn around now, within the first two minutes it became a mine field of traffic hazards and with no option to perform a u turn, I was stuck. The fire engine pulls up and I hear the guy yell to his colleague "just made this rescue priority one" as they grab the jaws of life out the truck, I'm guessing to remove the windscreen and pillar for access. The ambulance was pulling up now, I sit back down and comfort Hudson in the car for five seconds and all I can hear is a yell from a bloke, I don't know what was said, but I get out my car again and see the paramedic pulling the guy out the car, lifeless. His leg totally mangled, and just ripped like there was no option. The paramedics surrounding him, laid down on the ground, bags and equipment everywhere, moving like they are robots, automatically taking each step. They inserted a needle into his lung, I can only assume because if must have collapsed, but this doesn't seem to improve the situation.By this stage there were many an onlooker, it's amazing how quickly everyone flocks. People trying to clear the road, moving large pieces of Late model camira and bus scattered everywhere. Traffic is come to a total stand still on our side, people leaving their cars like morons just trying to get a glimpse of the "action". Meanwhile, the fire fighters are trying to tell them to bugger off, while their team mates have made a wall out of the traditional white sheet, yes the one that comes out when you know it's not going to be good. By this stage now there are three ambulances plus an ambulance service territory, which I believe is a doctor or a senior paramedic called in for critical cases, two fire engines, three police cars and a bunch of cones laid out so the traffic on the other side of the road is flowing smoothly onto the gravel and not over the potential crime scene, where my car is currently sitting. I am standing out side my car with Hudson, he refused to keep calm inside the car,so I had him in my arms, watching the exciting red and blue lights that surrounded him and focusing on the patterns of flash they made. Him being to young to look or even comprehending the paramedic resuming compressions on the man, who we can only assume has already suffered such bad internal fractures to his chest and abdomen that his stomach is popping out so far and are making a crunching sound like chewing on a piece of unexpected gristle in your prime rib. I feel so helpless. My logical mind knows there's nothing I can do, but my compassionate inner self is aching with hurt. That is someone's son, maybe their mate, maybe their brother, maybe their best friend and even maybe their husband. Maybe they sent him out for some dinner, or to grab a quick couple things from the shops. Maybe there is someone waiting for him and wondering where he is. Maybe he had just had an argument, and the other person is going to wake up tomorrow wishing they had of just told him they loved him. I felt so overwhelmed with emotion but so filled with adrenalin that I couldn't let it overcome me. Meanwhile while I am watching a man fight for sheer survival and watching the last breath leave his lungs and standing silent, I am surrounded by ignorant, heartless, selfish people who are speculating what could have happened. Questioning the paramedics actions, like the seven paramedics plus the off duty paramedic on scene want this guy to die!!! They are guessing every move they make, surely a bystander knows better! I feel myself becoming infuriated!!! Drivers on the other side of the road, even having the audacity to yell out to me and the paramedics wife "what's happened?". Have you no respect? Of course not, why should I expect more from society anymore. Behind that white sheet its someone's son, someone who was loved and cared for, who is mangled and mutilated but fighting for his life and you.... you are hanging your neck out the window, literally, along with all of the people in front and behind you, not paying attention to the road, not worrying about the poor person who may be dying, but just wanting to have a peek. Something to tell your friends? A cool story for Facebook? Stand around the water cooler and discuss what you see on the news and raise your hand and say with pride "I saw that!". But did you? Did you see paramedics working furiously for 40 minutes doing cpr? Did you see a disheveled young man not be able to speak because he can't stop playing in his mind what he just saw occur? Did you see a wife or mother getting a visit from a police officer who has to tell her that her son or husband just died on the grassy ditch next to the road she is bound to drive through every day to get to work or the local shops? No, no you didn't. What you saw was a spectacle, nothing but your nightly entertainment. A conversation piece at your next dinner or social outing, maybe even a brownie point winner with the boss as to why your going to be late for work. This was nothing but a circus entertaining a bunch of ignorant and mindless numbskulls who can sit there tonight and say they saw something, hell I even heard a guy with his window open calling a mate and telling him there was a mass accident bro. Yes, I am writing this and sharing to an extent as well, but it's because when I finally put down my glass of white tonight and attempt to close my eyes I am worried I will see his face, his legs, his unrecognisable car and his chest, pumping up and down like a trampoline knowing this achieved nothing. I was bound to wait for over an hour, watching them do compression for over 30 minutes, me knowing the success rate of CPR and knowing full and well that he probably won't make it. When I was finally let leave by police stopping traffic and letting me turn around, I passed the bus, the front was as damaged as to be expected. The windscreen smashed to oblivion. Luckily there were no passengers, only a driver who now has to try and work through what has happened. The last thing I saw before I got into my car and left was the sheet was up and the paramedics standing up, it was clear the outcome to me. It wasn't until I grasped my steering wheel that I had fully realised the tremble in my hands. I am disconnected enough not to be involved or know the man, but connected enough to have witness a man die tonight. I kissed Hudson more times than I can believe tonight, and when he smiled at me and wrapped his hands around my neck to say good night, as if telling me it was all going to be ok, a tear rolled down my face, because I can only half imagine what that mans mother feels like knowing she won't be able to hug her boy ever again. He was no older than mid 30s, normal looking guy, maybe on drugs or alcohol, maybe texting or reaching for his phone, maybe he had an epileptic episode, who knows. But what I do know is that no amount of speculation of bystanders or findings for that matter is going to bring him back or make it ok for his family. Please pay attention on the roads, don't text, don't eat a whopper, don't lean over for your coffee, don't do your make up or check your hair, don't take your eyes of the road for a second, because this may be the result.Be safe everyone X 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mrs Jeturbo Bob the Freaking Builder Donating Members 10,813 Member For: 15y 5m 21d Gender: Female Location: SA Posted 25/06/15 01:24 PM Share Posted 25/06/15 01:24 PM Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
k31th less WHY; more WOT Site Developer 29,288 Member For: 16y 10m 24d Gender: Male Location: Melbourne Posted 25/06/15 01:25 PM Share Posted 25/06/15 01:25 PM 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Buf-Phoon loitering with intent Lifetime Members 13,318 Member For: 21y 6m 15d Gender: Male Location: Zombie Birdhouse Posted 25/06/15 01:38 PM Share Posted 25/06/15 01:38 PM Fluff darlin , you are clearly in shock. No one should have to see that. Better to vent and get it out.In your normal erudite style of course A day off tomorrow is in order. That is a lot to digest in 5 hours and it's starting to hit.You will see it all over and over for awhile don't try to internalise it. Youhave more support than you know. Another white and a hot tub , a big hug. and tryat some point get some sleep.A few big sighs of recognition may help eventuallyBTW there are some real kents out there but you can't rewind any of it.Terrible I know, Jules 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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