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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Hard finding decent ROM's for the Telstra version of the S5. I tried a few a little while back and had all sorts of battery drain issues and dramas so had to go back to an older genuine ROM...until the lollipop update was released. Been pretty happy with that so far.

Honestly stripes CyanogenMod is the only highly polished ROM I have used. Prolly coz there is a team of developers for each device and overall a community of thousands. S5 is officially supported by CM me thinks. Telstra one will just be the international version won't it? Does it have an i in front of the model number?

I installed CM12 on my Note4 today. I love it. Hot the OTA 5.0 Update this week and compared to the UI on my old N5 is was poxy. CM12 = Note4 sized N5. Very not pissed off with it.

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  • WOT?
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Absolute *beep* of a day.

edit: Client F: "The work you did the other day.. Lu Lu is male - you'll need to redo the documents with the correct gender"

edit2: Forgot to mention - while at the bank. Grumpy old bastard in a fully enclosed motor scooter knocked over a decorative support pillar while reversing back. Then tried again with more speed. He was having an argument with the bank manager as I was leaving because it seems like every single time he's in there he reverses into someone and doesn't give a f*ck. Think they're fed up with him. Maybe if they opened more tellers and didn't make him use the friggin deposit machine he'd be a lot calmer.

Edited by Rab
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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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Being the only one in the office and a million calls coming in at once that I can't take coz already on the blower, already got jobs pre booked and then a call about databases going missing when software vendors install updates **to their own app** FFS

all while I'm starving and trying to eat lasagne

got it all sorted kinda for now but headache is trying to hang around :/

After today is done I'm off home to go to bed early and get up and drive 4.5 hours to see the missus then back again Sunday

Hoping some new (old) music will make the drive enjoyable...and have Eps 5 to ten of GoT to watch (cheers Stripes) when visiting the better half so there's that to look forward to

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  • WOT?
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and have Eps 5 to ten of GoT to watch (cheers Stripes) when visiting the better half so there's that to look forward to

Nothing else to look forward to?

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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Wrong time of the month...

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  • I <3 Floods
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So I did selection criteria today. .

Buzz words piss me off.

Plus I struggle tooting my own horn without getting drunk first.

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  • Filthy weeb
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This post should be going into the Cool Stuff You Bought thread but - like many others who bought this - there's faults, even after waiting much longer than expected for this to arrive. Each album is supposed to come with a code for FLAC files of that album, one was missing for me. One of the labels had the wrong songs printed on them, which would be funny if it wasn't also songs from another album altogether! I've wrangled the missing code off a friend who got these too, and I can get over a mislabel but I'm at least glad I didn't get completely wrong discs as some have or completely busted sleeves from the very average package it came in. I have a personal theory - from getting vinyl delivered over the years - that posties just hate vinyl.

The blokes at Karnivool are gonna be doing a lot of damage control in light of this, even after they've admitted the troubles that plagued production in the first place. We've waited this long for these, but I'd rather waiting a bit more to ensure basic stuff like correct labels and someone actually doing their intensely hard job of putting a slip of paper into a vinyl case. It's a disappointment, as I'm sure Karnivool will agree when they post something official on the matter (#vinylgate), but the one thing we gotta remember - in light of all this - is that the music is still f*cking tits.

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f*ck yes stubbie, f*ck yes. Sucks about the production issues..

Would love to see them do a cover album like APC did. Still got the cover of that London grammar song in my head, their cover of Sleeping Satellite was good as well

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  • loitering with intent
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I need to get a life. Never listened to these guys. Will check them out

Records, like books too many for me to get to .

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