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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • All stock bar the k&n panel filter
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  • Member For: 12y 11m 20d
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Samsung galaxy latest OTA update, bloody 5hit. Cant even see if you have a message/email or notifications.

Plus they changed background colours. Just leave it, I dont like change

S5? Did you do a factory reset? Given it's going from a different version is the OS it's worth doing. I made the upgrade and notifications have been fine for me.
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  • Member For: 11y 3m 14d
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Never dirty flash a version change, framework often changes, even 5.0 and 5.1 have different gapps packages. Sometimes you will get away with it if the third number only has changed, ie 4.4.2 to 4.4.4. But still don't recommended. Or just unlock your phone, install CM 12 and be done with Samsung's bloated ass farked touchwiz sh*te....

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  • All stock bar the k&n panel filter
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  • Member For: 12y 11m 20d
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  • Location: Perth

Hard finding decent ROM's for the Telstra version of the S5. I tried a few a little while back and had all sorts of battery drain issues and dramas so had to go back to an older genuine ROM...until the lollipop update was released. Been pretty happy with that so far.

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  • Member For: 11y 3m 14d
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Honestly stripes CyanogenMod is the only highly polished ROM I have used. Prolly coz there is a team of developers for each device and overall a community of thousands. S5 is officially supported by CM me thinks. Telstra one will just be the international version won't it? Does it have an I in front of the model number?

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  • WOT?
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  • Member For: 12y 8d
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  • Location: Frankston, 3199

Absolute *beep* of a day.

Client A - never uses our forms/sheets to place his orders, but gives all instructions verbally (to avoid anything pointing back at him)

Had to fix up the job (is over a month old) for the 4th time due to client changing their mind and because the instructions were given verbally. Of course it's all our fault. "We need it in 2 hours (50km's away) - you'll need to get a courier"

Client B - we did some dogdy, documentation for them 4 years ago (all above board, just something neither we nor him wanted any record of. Was delivered on an "as is" basis with no comeback). Not even something we could charge for. Today, urgently, he needs the work repeated for another client of his. Neither of us are sure what the actual work done was, but it needs to be replicated.

Client C - emails me with a new order -

"is this name available?"

"No" I email back

"Hang on, I'll ask the client for another name"

"is this name available?"

"No" I email back

"Hang on, I'll ask the client for another name"

"is this name available?"

"No" I email back

"Hang on, I'll ask the client for another name"

We're up to name choice #6 now

Client D - "The order we put through yesterday and received this morning... We left some details off it....."

Client E - "Can you forward me these documents?" - I resend the emails I sent 2 and 3 months ago which contained the documents.

Bank - Farkers put in a new flash cheque deposit machine out the front, cut down on tellers and get sh*tty when you take cheques to the counter instead of using the machine. 10 mins in line at the machine and it refuses to take one of my cheques. Queue to the tellers is about 12 people deep (and only 2 tellers on) so I decided to use the quick deposit envelope/bin.

No envelopes - go and ask for one

No pens - go and ask for one

While filling out the envelope the bloody cheque falls into the deposit slot. - go and find someone with a key to get my cheque out for me.

Post Office: 10 mins in line to collect a parcel that a card was dropped into my letterbox this morning for (even though I was home at the time). Was for a parcel that I'd collected 2 days ago - from a totally different post office - after requesting a trace being put on it.

Not to mention - every bloody thing is ultra urgent and important to everyone at the moment - tax time closing off, everything needs to have been done yesterday.

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