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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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A mate of mine is a real blokey bloke, picked his missus up from work and in of her colleagues has a flat tyre, that he doesn't know how to change. So josh finishes changing the tyre for him and the guy say "thanks heaps, how do u know how to do all this stuff" josh replies "fkn I dunno its just part of being a real man". Lol I can only imagine how he felt...

Nothing wrong with pushing pens either, I have been a sparkoligist in the fire industry for 12 years and I think its time to hang up the pliers, looking into studying and moving into engineering and certification. Maybe one day I'll have my own consulting firm...but I'll always be a "real man" at heart.

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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A mate of mine is a real blokey bloke, picked his missus up from work and in of her colleagues has a flat tyre, that he doesn't know how to change. So josh finishes changing the tyre for him and the guy say "thanks heaps, how do u know how to do all this stuff" josh replies "fkn I dunno its just part of being a real man". Lol I can only imagine how he felt...

Nothing wrong with pushing pens either, I have been a sparkoligist in the fire industry for 12 years and I think its time to hang up the pliers, looking into studying and moving into engineering and certification. Maybe one day I'll have my own consulting firm...but I'll always be a "real man" at heart.

The "real man" concept makes me laugh. I know plenty of guys that can change a tyre but go to pieces if they have to look after their kid(s) without wifey to help. If you can't rear you own offspring you should hand in your man card IMHO.

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  • Member For: 11y 3m 18d
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Agreed, I change sh*tty nappies and get up in the middle of the night. Take him shopping on my own which I actually enjoy....at the moment..its all part of life...mind you I don't have the strongest stomach. I remember one occasion, home on my own the sh*tty nappy was violent, I got a peg on my nose(serious) and I'm still dry reaching, he is hysterical from all the strange noises I'm making. I end up spewing on the floor...lol got er done though..

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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  • Location: Perth

I can handle the full spectrum of shit, it's the snotty nose that gets me. I changed my boys first nappy when he was 710gms and would literally fit in my hand so I had a batism of fire so to speak.

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  • loitering with intent
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lol not long after learning to say mama & dada my son

declared one day " nasty sh*tzz " when having his nappy changed.

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