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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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Yeah, was just looking at some BF XR6T's on car sales actually Phil. Seems like I could get a decent sedan or Ute for around the $15k mark. Would love to stretch for a tornado, but wondering if I'd then be defeating the purpose of selling the SS. At the same time though, would be enough of a car to keep my interest, rather than hating driving it!

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  • I <3 Floods
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Not having a car that interested me almost destroyed my relationship.

When I was basically forced to sell my WRX to save money and was stuck sharing a car with the wife I went mental.

Then I bought an XR6T and about 3 months later got given a full time work car. So I sold it (lemon anyway).

When I lost the work car it was suggested I buy a swift or something (money wasn't actually an issue it's more of being married to someone who grew up with nothing and has no appreciation of cars), I was lucky my boss rescued me and offered me the SS at a price you couldn't turn down.

Guessing that you are fairly similar to me, I will definitely urge you to be very careful about the impulsive 'smart' choice to sell your car as you could end up hating yourself for it.

Sometimes the boy inside of us needs a toy.

I also grew up with a dad who used to say 'I don't care what I do for a living or if I have a bad day at work, as long as I am happy driving the car I have to and from work it will make the day better'

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Yeah...You sound pretty similar to me Brendo. And to be honest, I really like driving the car I have...and it's got 5 years new car warranty and I know will be reliable for probably the next 10 years if I look after it. Where as if I get another car that becomes an unknown again...

I just feel like it's wasted money just sitting there...but at the same time, despite my other debts, the car has no finance on it...so it owes me nothing. Hmmmm...

Not gonna sell it impulsively...and to be honest, probably won't...just wanted to have a winge coz it's sh*tting me that I've been working 4.5 years now since I finished uni and have wasted a sh*te load of money on god knows what, meanwhile I'm paying some other carnts mortgage! I do have some cool toys though...

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  • I <3 Floods
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Too lazy to edit..

Stripey the other option and I have seen people make this sacrifice.

Give up cars.. Walk away. Buy your dream house and spend all your money setting up a home theatre. Get fat..

Plenty of people I know have sacrificed cars and boats for their dream home.

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  • I <3 Floods
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PS. Paying someone else's rent isn't all bad news.

Yeah it does suck if you over think it. But you can move around. You don't need to pay rates.

Lol.. 4.5 years out of uni.. I'm 13 years out of highschool.. admittedly only 5 out of uni. (Uni took a while).

Still plenty of years in front of you mate.

My advice is consider your finances. clean up credit cards etc. Then worry about the house.

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Your WRX comment made me look...could pick something fun up for $15k...interesting.

Already got the theatre system panda haha. I know exactly what one I'd get that's a couple steps up from my current setup though...but no need at this stage.

There's a private estate going up a couple suburbs over from where I'm living currently that I'd actually rather like to build in. It's walking distance to a train station, private estate (so no homes west), separated (so no drive through traffic), 15km from the CBD, 10 mins drive to the airport, close to decent schools (not that that's a factor at this point), close to shops etc etc. Drove through there last night and it looks like it'll be really nice...but house prices scare the chit out of me! It scares me how little you get for under half a mill over here.

To build a decent sized 4x2 on a 500m square block would end up being like $500-550k...

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  • I <3 Floods
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I'm no financial adviser.. but I'd recommend talking to someone who knows more.

Ever considered getting the land and waiting for a bit before the build?

Worst case scenario? You sell the land and make 10-20k in 2 years.

Edit: be warned mate. Reading your posts you may not just be happy with something fun. FG GT, VF SS.. Dude you like nice cars. With technology.

Me I'm happy if it's fast enough to do something stupid in for a few second every month :-P

Edited by Never had any say Panda
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Thought about it, but the way the first home buyers grant over here works would not work in my favour if I did house and land separately. Not sure if it's the same in other states, but you don't pay stamp duty up to a certain price, plus $10k first home buyers grant etc. Don't think you get that if you just buy land.

Yeah, you say that...

But my first two cars were very different. I had a 96 Ford Mondeo for my first car, kept it for 5 years and it never let me down...I did put a $10k stereo in it though haha. Next car was a 2005 magna...kept that for 4 years...again, never let me down. In hindsight, if I'd just kept that car and my motorbike I'd have a house by now!

Edited by .Stripes.
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  • I <3 Floods
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If you haven't owned land before I think you avoid stamp duty the first time around?

Yeah first home buyers grant helps. But the reality is it will only.cover the lenders mortgage insurance.

I live in an area where all the new houses are 500k-600k house and land deals. Few blokes from work live a little further up the hill from me in much nicer houses.

Whatever you do mate make sure it's what makes you happy. Not what you think you should do. Or what you think people expect you to do.

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  • I <3 Floods
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Yeah, you say that...

But my first two cars were very different. I had a 96 Ford Mondeo for my first car, kept it for 5 years and it never let me down...I did put a $10k stereo in it though haha. Next car was a 2005 magna...kept that for 4 years...again, never let me down. In hindsight, if I'd just kept that car and my motorbike I'd have a house by now!

Haha I often thought similar. Why didn't I just keep my old BA falcon?

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