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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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Dang fluff. That's no good.

I'm still not allowed to play golf. But that was to do with the actual movement involved with swinging a golf club and the muscles in the left side of my chest.

They didn't say I couldn't lay turf and do dump runs.

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No good fluff. Hope it heals up quickly.

WPMO: some random drunk knob goblins called me like 3 times last night asking where I was. They didn't seem to be able to get it through their heads that I wasn't the person they thought I was and that they had the wrong number. Finally they stopped calling after I told them to f*ck off coz I had work early in the morning. I'm semi on-call for our drillers so I have notifications disabled at night but I have to be able to have phone calls come through...usually not an issue...but these guys were farked!

I'm tired :(

Edited by .Stripes.
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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Nah pixy

Just going to my local docs to get a certificate for work TOMORO maybe

This is a regular occurrence kind of

I had my reco in 2010

Since being pregnant and my ligaments stretching etc it has happened 3 times severely and a few more light sprains

In surgery I had heaps of bone chips removed etc

If I get an X-ray and there is more bone chips they will put me in plaster

And a 2yo and a mum in plaster don't mix

Rather just rest

I'll probably have an Mri in a year or two and get another reco done

Edit : panda that sucks balls about golf still

Take it easy and don't smash ya self too hard though

Edited by Princess Whinginator
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