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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • All stock bar the k&n panel filter
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Cheers for the info fellas.

I dunno what I'll do. If I end up with a housemate I know and trust and a plan before my current housemate moves out then I'll probably just end up staying put for now and smash the savings/debt as quickly as I can. If not I might look at selling the car and getting a house. If I've got a housemate and rent is cheap then I'll be able to get rid of my debt and save up a house deposit fairly quickly, so it'll be less of a stress.

I'm in two minds though, coz $13k of my debt is on an interest free credit card that doesn't start accruing interest until like this time next year...So I'm wondering if I just keep paying the minimum on that and smash the savings for the house deposit after I've paid off the other $9k card that's due in September (should be able you pay it off within the next two months).

Edited by .Stripes.
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  • I <3 Floods
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If you build you need to factor engineering, drafting etc which will add up quick.

I've helped out so many mates who have built, but I have no desire to build yet.

Now I'm sitting on 2200m2 I reckon I will just tear that house down one day.

Stripes mate we can't tell you what to do. But I've been where you are.

Get rid of the debt though.. interest free or not it's a black f*cking cloud hanging over your head.

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Consider yourself lucky .... I just paid 19k in stamp duty on my place ... Bloody sa and their ridiculous revenue sh*t

Hope u figure it out stripes

S15s are awesome :)

You can find some real tidy ones older people bought and kept sweet

Just like my Rex, I looked at a couple a few years ago

Plus sr20s are so cheap to fix and all the s15 parts are interchangeable with almost any silvia series and 180 series etc.

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  • All stock bar the k&n panel filter
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Cheers fluff.

Guess the other thing to consider is that I'll be able to pay off $9k credit card in another 2 months. That leaves $13k on the other card, but that doesn't start earning interest until like this time next year.

I'd also have to wait 3 months for the cash from selling the car to be considered genuine savings, by which point I'll have $4k in savings again maybe...which is $14k including the first home buyers grant. So would take me another 3 months maybe to save the rest. So 6 months time, if I really wanted I could start building...even if I sell my car.

On the flip side, if I don't sell the car, I'd have 4 months to save after paying out the first card to get me to the same 6 months...by which point I could save $12-14k, plus the $10k first home buyers grant, that pretty much puts me bang on for deposit. In this scenario obviously wouldn't have to pay the full mortgage straight away, which would give me time to pay off the remaining $11,500 on the other credit card from my car before the house is built.

Hmmmm...decisions, decisions...

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  • www.australianflag.org.au
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Either way get rid of credit card debt and simplify and tidy up debt.

I'm not convinced that buying a home is the be all and end all. But I am convinced that if you owned you own home (you own it outright), that you are in a great position. By proxy to get to that stage you have to buy a house.

I guess the gift is finding the right house and not let emotion get the better of you and buy above what you NEED.

I'm guilty of that last bit.

Mate I'm far from an expert, in fact if in honest my financial history would suggest I'm the opposite.

But there appears to be opinions being given. My opinion is lessen debt were you can (mentally it's refreshing), if you can then afford to buy a house then don't over commit, and get as much equity in said house as you can to protect against a housing downturn and or interest rate rises. The market will correct itself one day.

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I had a 96 Camry and a 99 Hyundai excel (later "upgraded" to a 98 Camry) whilst the mortgage was being paid off and my XA Hardtop sat dormant in the garage.

Now mortgage gone and F6 and XR6T (which we paid cash for) in drive and Hardtop progressing slowly but nicely

It's much nicer playing with cars when you have a clear conscience and no debt

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I had a 96 Camry and a 99 Hyundai excel (later "upgraded" to a 98 Camry) whilst the mortgage was being paid off and my XA Hardtop sat dormant in the garage.

Now mortgage gone and F6 and XR6T (which we paid cash for) in drive and Hardtop progressing slowly but nicely

It's much nicer playing with cars when you have a clear conscience and no debt

still cant believe I read camry twice in the one post, plus XA coupe.

its like finding out that your hot wife has left you in your new R8 audi, but eagerly waiting for you at home is Tina Fey

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  • www.australianflag.org.au
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Putting in child seats.

My car is fitted with isofit why can't we use it?

But no I need to mangle my hands and risk permanent damage to them trying to get the seatbelt through. Then I have to tighten the straps and watch as my leather crushes and pray that it comes good.

Shopping centres before 0900

Why am I doing all this. It's granddaughter grandad time.

Was thinking about a movie. But not sure I can sit through Shaun the Sheep. I'm positivity that I won't sit through Cinderella

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