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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Hudson came to visit me at 5:50 instead of me picking him up and adding 30 minutes to my trip home

Why does the piss me off?

Coz a customer came in at 5:57 and paid a wad of cash which I had already locked in the safe.

So I bend down to unlock it and my mum is off with the fairies and leaves hudo to play with vbuttons behind the counter .... Panic alarm buttons..

Luckily after a roll up by swat the other day from a faulty button ... Yates had the common sense to call before sending the uniforms ...

Then.... I am a state employee not regularly at that centre so I wasn't on the authorisation list...

So he had to call my assistant manager at home to verify ...

Then I couldn't set the building alarm until I reset the panic button... And because it just got replaced fhark knows where the key was....

Where was it?

In the key safe box,

Where's the key for the key safe box?

In the cash tin box,

Where's the cash tin box and key?

In the safe

Where hve I just locked and unlocked about thirty times tonight, well u get the picture

Well after all that I am ready for a wine or seven

24 isn't panning out a good age yet lol

Edited by whinginator
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  • All stock bar the k&n panel filter
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So today I worked from home all day on my first day of break...so that sucked. However, I did dash out at lunch time for my first ever squash lesson.

So naturally there's a fair bit of technique involved in playing good squash...what was interesting, however, was finding out that literally ALL of my technique was wrong...even down to how I hold the god damned racquet lol

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WPMO...this fever/flu/cough thing that's apparently 'getting around'...day 4 FTL

Took the mrs 6 days til she felt better and still has a slight cough

Apparently smokers stay sick for longer too :/ FML

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  • I <3 Floods
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So.. I'm still pissed off I'm fighting with these f*ck wits who want to sell their house to anyone but me.

I'm finding in life there is no middle ground. People generally like me or hate me and this bastard takes it to the f*cking extreme!

I cracked them today and got the solicitor to send a letter that said they have until Tuesday to sort their sh*t out, provide an appropriate response to my concerns and offers.. or f*ck off!!!

I'm sure the solicitor will put it nicer than that..

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