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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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It should be illegal for a dole recipient to use my tax dollars to buy alcohol, smokes, or play the pokies/gamble.

I agree with that, but can't see the government heading down that route.

The amount of tax they get back from those items is friggin huge.

I wouldn't be surprised if >30% of the money handed out on the pension ends up back in the governments pocket under another column, boosting their bottom line.

60% of the price of a pack of smokes, $16 from every slab of beer (almost 50% of the price of spirits), 50-60% on pokies revenue etc

Imagine a pensioner spending $300/week on those things - $150 on smokes (pack a day?), $80 on 2 slabs (not unusual) and $70 on the pokies (easily possible)

From the $300 they got in pensions, $120 (smokes) $40 (beer) and $35 (pokies) means almost $200 filtered straight back into to the coffers that gave out the $300 - albeit through a different column on the chart of accounts.

Hell - if they wanted to show a reduction in cost of dole bludgers it'd be a lot easier to hand them out a carton of smokes and 2 slabs a week, charging the public/taxpayers at tax/duty exempt prices.Instead of that $300/week we see on the books it would only be $100/week the dole bludger is costing us. It would hurt the bottom line though for government revenue - no party would accept that.

Those dole bludgers on the pension are a lot more profitable to the government than the poor sod using his pension to pay bills, buy food and clothe his kids and send them to school with a packed lunch - all the government gets back from them is a measley 10% on their spending that isn't GST free. Maybe less than $25 bucks of that $300

ipso facto: the real burden on the Aussie economy is the people on pension trying to do the right thing, and not the dole bludgers :P

Edited by Rab
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  • Too heavy needs boost
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I think the food stamps and travel passes and other options they were looking at so the karnts just dont spend it all on piss and smokes was a good option. Farkem. If they are just to lazy, have no interest to work why should they get the luxurys we get by working. Pensioners. that's a different story.

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  • Carnage on the Garage Floor
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You'd like to think it's becoming more of a minority but...there are still generational dole bludgers. These are the ones that really need to be weeded out in my opinion. Children that have never known their parents to work, so they do the same. Clean that sh*t up, then you can deny me a pension.

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Poof across the the road asking me to turn down the music at 1 in the afternoon.

Yeah right mate sure thing, would you like to choose the music also.........not!

Mate, it a wireless speaker all of 5 watts.

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  • I <3 Floods
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Call me unreasonable. But if I can clearly hear your music inside my house with the doors closed then it's too loud and I would probably ask you to turn it down also.

But I'm also deaf.. so by the time I can hear your music it's way too freaking loud.

PS. I stopped asking and now I just pull fuses out of your fuse box.

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I once had a neighbour ask me to turn my engine off in my driveway that I was flushing a cooling system on

At that time I had

4 cars 8 mororbikes 2 lawnmowers 1 wiper snipper 1 blower vac

They sounded beautiful all humming away for over an hour, I think my XR8 was headers only at the time also as the exhaust was removed for a "de" cat

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Well in my old house ...

I used to hate neighbour making noise of any kind

Music especially

Annoying as hell

New house

Nice area

Beautiful view

Gorgeous house

..... Teenage neighbour and an alco mum (not in a bad way lol)

Still don't mind any mind any noise at all frankly I'd consider it good they were having fun

Same as our other side neighbours

Good on em for having fun

But saying that they do it ... Well I can count it on one hand.... Or less... So I possibly haven't seen it yet

And the last time the neighbours in the old area had a party I was calling the popo coz bikies were smashing the windows of the house across the road

No surprise I don't mind the music now bahah

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  • Donating Members
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Call me unreasonable. But if I can clearly hear your music inside my house with the doors closed then it's too loud and I would probably ask you to turn it down also.

But I'm also deaf.. so by the time I can hear your music it's way too freaking loud.

PS. I stopped asking and now I just pull fuses out of your fuse box.

I'd agree, but he was sitting outside.

Any way got the whipper snipper out and did full on session in the front yard. lol

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