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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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Thought my power steering pump was stuffed so got most of the stuff off only to find out its the earls oil line. FARK SAKE!!!!!

one positive is I can get a refund. Bonus☺

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  • Carnage on the Garage Floor
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Apparently, the expectation now is that if you work all your life and pay taxes you'll need to borrow against the equity of you assets - including your house, to get a pension.

I'm fine with that provided low life dole bludgers get say two years benefits which includes demonstrating they've undergone training and/or worked for the dole then after that - cut off! Otherwise what? A generation of losers can live at Byron or Nimbin off the taxpayer for life, but working class that paid taxes and made sacrifices to pay off their house get no pension? Fark that!

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Yeah what's the point of working your arse off to pay your mortgage on a nice house only too be penalised for it !!!!

I know we gotta do something with the ageing population problem but that sucks.

Maybe tax the ass outa the younger generation to pay for our pensions would be a better idea

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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I think unfortunately it's unrealistic to expect people of my generation to have any sort of pension.

I also am of the belief that taxes are a necessity and not a savings fund for the government to hand u money when u get old.

I can't stand it when old people whinge about the pension not being enough.

My grandfather saves money on the pension, he's also an almost full time carer for two children under ten.

It's a tough one .... Do I think it's right for the government to take our money and give it to doll bludgers over pensioners... Absolutely Fhukn not!

But do I think it's fair for a guy who paid tax all his life and has 1mil in assets to still put his hand in his pocket for a pension when he gets to 65.... No

Unfortunately a lot of pensions go to women who haven't actually worked much in their lives either. Statistically we outlive men and therefore end up being the whingy ones complaining the pension isn't enough to live off ...

Sorry but what did u think was gonna happen when u got old?

Just assumed the government was gonna hand out cash so u could live a lifestyle of your choice?

You didn't have a plan?

No back up?

Just lived and thought you would deal with it when u got there?

Sorry but that's your fault then.

I know so many people putting extra cash in super etc to plan for retirement... Why isn't everyone!

It's not the governments job to pay people to sit on their ass all day coz they don't wanna work.... But I don't believe it's the job of them to pay for our retirement either... Yes we pay tax ... And if the government was smart it would be used for decent things instead of pensions and doll...

Just because the pension exists now doesn't mean it should be an expectation forever...

Quite frankly if the government wants to take equity out of your house for a pension then you should be pretty happy... Your not gonna take it wih u when your dead and your gonna be able to eat and live when your old

I don't see that much of a problem with it other then scrap the doll or pretty much scrap it after three months of redundancy payments

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  • I <3 Floods
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I am planning on not requiring a pension. However that being said, what's the point in people working all their life for house(s), IF it goes back to the government to cover their pension?

I see both sides of the coin, but I hope that any of my assets when I kick the bucket are there if my kid(s) need help. By that time I fully expect jobs won't be easy to get for our kids and I expect their uni bills will easily be 6 figures. So yeah I want my assets to stay in my family.

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I don't think it will happen because the way governments are these days, they'd be too sh!t scared of trying it.

Atm we're in a transition stage with people and Super.

I myself have only been getting decent Super for the last 15 years and considering I lost about 15% of that during the GFC there's not much hope of me being self funded even though I've been salary sacrificing 5% for the last 15 years.

I'm now 50 and I've come to the realisation that I'll be working till I'm at least 70, and that's only if an employer is willing to employ me.

I operated on the principle of getting my mortgage paid off so at least I had a roof over my head when I retired.

I think most people my age and older are happy to work longer but unfortunately the fact is people will not employ us.

Anyway it's a difficult problem and sooner or later the ageing population problem will have to be dealt with.


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