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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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A while back a good mate went out on a limb and recommended me for a small section of a job he is working on. My work was dependent on his and I was awarded the contract to do this work. Very professionally informed the client that I couldn't complete my work until the errors in his were rectified. Eventually had no choice but to progress as far as possible based on data I knew to be wrong in order to meet submission deadlines.

Major change in the project this week (changes I have been requesting since december). I had no choice but to pass the client a bill for $5k for rework I will have to do because I was made do work that is now redundant (not a thing I like doing but the company I work for has to recover the costs somehow).

This afternoon the client terminated my mates contract and invited me to put in a proposal to take it over.

It'll be worth half a million easy in the next 12 months. Business wise it's an awesome outcome. My boss poured scotch and everything.

But I feel like absolute sh*t.

Like chest pains absolute sh*t.

f*ck I hate work at times.

You can't control other people's behaviour or choices

You didn't intentionally set out to hurt anyone or even have that outcome,

And your mate obviously didn't do his job to his required standard and therefore he suffered the consequences.

You haven't done anything wrong and it does suck but the fact u care just means your a good bloke still.

Very similar situation at work atm in a way,

My ops managers and Gm love me because of my honesty.

The manager at one of my sites is a lazy *beep* who does nothing as calls in sick half the time and when he is there gets the late as all hell.... The list goes on of crap.

Well Gm and ops have started asking me my opinion and for info on what's going on.

I want to stay out of it, as I'm not technically in a high enough management position to sack this bloke or make a decision on it.... And if I am a whistle blower then if he is demoted or not fired (he's on a 4 month probation atm because of his own actions) then I have to work with him and he will probably know I blew the whistle.

He is a nice enough guy and I actually don't mind him but he's sh*t at his job, typical young bloke who can't handle management, especially of a 3mil per year facility. ... When I've got an assistant manager who's 50 and worked managing a 30mil food and Bev dept for the Darwin casino who would be perfect for the job, makes it hard

I am not going to intentionally throw him under the bus but just be honest if I get asked

I felt like a khunt but one of my close customers who I've known for years and had followed the whole thing said to me : "you didn't make his bed, he did, now he had to lie in it and make do, people are habitual and the only time they change their habits is when a "catastrophe" has happened, and if getting a 4 month probation or a prior warning wasn't enough of a catastrophe for him to change his actions then it's not your fault or problem"

He is right

But I still feel like a *beep* coz he's in the middle of getting a home loan which probably won't go through coz of it.

Moral of the story, panda your not a karnt, nothing u could do, totally understand why your pissed though

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Yeah I know fluff. Probably could have gone to him instead of the client, but I have to look out for the company I work for so the client is aware we aren't causing the problems.

He's a good bloke. I don't expect he will keep his job after the dust settles. But that's the market at the moment. Some companies are cutting rates to be competitive (people in my position charging out for <$100ph), we are trying to stay profitable, but work smarter and show clients that they get what they pay for.

Just recently I quoted a job at around $60k, the potential client phoned me and said that we were $36k higher than the nearest other bidder, did we correctly understand the scope of works.

I kindly pointed out that the scope was so poorly defined if I bid on that the client would get the first variation claim before we even started the job. If they actually read the documents we submitted we told them exactly what they needed to achieve the end goal and broke the prices down. We didn't just tender on the poorly written invitation to offer.

He apologized and said it was their procurement policy to register us as an 'unreasonably high bid' and awarded it to the lowest bidder.

A friend just told me that they are over 100k out of pocket and haven't gotten their project finished because the guys they gave it to were sharks circling a poorly written contract.

The world is changing. Maybe I'm different but I started on $3.80 an hour.

Now I charge clients $270 an hour for my work.

I truthfully believe that I need to show them every second of the day that I am worth that money and if I'm not always the best at what I do convincing them that I will do whatever they need when they need.

I also just realized that I might actually make more money than a hooker. Random thought right there.

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Depends what you charge for the girlfriend experience

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  • All stock bar the k&n panel filter
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Life can be such a carnt sometimes! Just found out through Facebook this morning that a guy I went to high school with was killed in a motorbike accident last Friday...fark, that's two guys I went to school with who've died in bike crashed in the last year...WTF?! I wasn't exactly close with the guy, but from everything I've been reading about him, he sounds like he turned out to be an awesome dude who had a super positive impact on the lives of those around him. sh*t news!

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Bad news pisses me off, sounds arrogant I suppose but it's every day. Found out the other day 2 mates from school committed suicide about a week apart, stripes mate passing away, oh and on the way to work I hear on the radio a couple is pleading for new immunization legislation after their 4 week old passed away from hooping cough yesterday, when you have your own kids that sh*t is heavy. I can only begin to imagine their heart ache.

I try to be a happy positive guy but ffs, the world is so depressing....

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  • All stock bar the k&n panel filter
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^I'm with you. You try to be positive, but then all this sort of sh*t continually pops up...not cool.

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Bad news pisses me off, sounds arrogant I suppose but it's every day. Found out the other day 2 mates from school committed suicide about a week apart, stripes mate passing away, oh and on the way to work I hear on the radio a couple is pleading for new immunization legislation after their 4 week old passed away from hooping cough yesterday, when you have your own kids that sh*t is heavy. I can only begin to imagine their heart ache.

I try to be a happy positive guy but ffs, the world is so depressing....

That immunization thing really f*cking pisses me off. It should be legislation. If you don't get your kids immunized you're a f*cking moron.

Can't imagine how it would feel to have your 4 month old taken from you, especially for something completely preventable if not for some dickheads who think they know better than hundreds of years of medical research and experimentation because their naturopath tells em they know what's up

f*ck off and die hippies

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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I need to provide documentation that my Dog is vaccinate before he's allowed to stay at the local kennel yet these anit-vax fuckwits are allowed to let their children roam the streets. More GP's/Schools/Day Care/Places children frequent need to neck up and ban kids that aren't vaccinated.

Imagine visiting any 3rd world country that looses thousands of children a year to preventable diseases and tell them you don't vaccinate by choice...?? Actually that might be a bad way to deal with these units, send them over and let the grieving parents tear them limb from limb

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  • WOT?
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There was talk of removing the option for non-vaccination for personal reasons - leaving medical reasons as the only valid one. Couldn't happen soon enough.

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