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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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if you do, you seriously need some mental help.

When u park 6000000kms away from everyone and the whole car park is empty ... And some fhuk knuckle still manages to drive to 10kms out to the edge of the car park and park right next to u ....
Oh for fhuk sake
Can't u park one over !!!!
Total chock head!

THIS ^^^ x 11tybillion.

The weird thing is, this doesn't happen ANYWHERE else. On any sort of public location, including trains/buses/trams etc, everybody automatically leaves a one person space between them and the next person.. why can't this translate to parking cars???

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Exactly !!!!

It's so irritating

And they manage to park so close even though there's so much room

I find it ridiculous as my doors are longer because I have a 2 door

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  • Sucker
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Haha had that yesterday. And just for the icing on the cake I reversed in, they didn't, yet still parked so fckn close it was a challenge for me to get in my door.

If the peanuts had to park right up against me they could have just parked on the other side and everyone would have been happy.

And the other thing that's really been pushing me over the edge lately is servo etiquette. If you're just pumping 91 in to your old piece of sht then why go for the only bowser cluster that has 98 or diesel? And why be so fixated on getting the right side...the hoses are more than 30cm long FFS.

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I gave up with the human race long ago

I now park in crippy spots flat out

Winning, I mean they have a f*ckn chair with wheels to get around in ffs , talk about the easy life..........

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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Cos you don't want the hose rubbing/resting against your car

I routinely jump in the Expensive Daewoo line if it's shorter, bring the hose over the rear of the car and just lean my left arm on the car and support the hose to keep it away from rear window/panel. Works great. Also hold the nozzle and looped hose in left hand to undo/do up the cap with the right hand.

Then I shoot smarmy glances at the suckers still waiting in the long line and drop a phat skid as I leave just to reinforce how much smarter and cooler I am. If they still look happy I throw a fistful of of burning $100 notes out the window as I powerskid off up the road.

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