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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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We get those bad when winter starts and they try to find dry areas like the interior walls. Stink like a mofo when scared/stepped on too. Always find them dead around the edges of the carpet. Very annoying but at least they never get into the car. Few of those dead in the air vents would ruin it fast.

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Where the hell do these barstards spring from, just did a clean up turned around there was another 10 behind me...clean them up and another 10 spring out of nowhere...Aaaaarrrggh!!

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  • All stock bar the k&n panel filter
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We get stink bugs at work once a year. Usually at the end of summer after a decent bit of rain they all emerge from under the soil. They're the worst things in the history of things. They bite you, they piss on you, they charge at you and they can also bloody fly! You'll be sitting outside having a beer and one will hit you in the forehead...then piss on you when you try shoo it away.

This is what it's like for those few weeks...which is due anytime now


Edited by .Stripes.
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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
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Waiting for my car to get finished at the suspension joint so I decided to go for a walk......yeah that's right .. me + walk :)

Why oh why does Adelaide allow you to be a suburb Pooaka ??? (←A more fitting way of spelling it). This area is bloody horrible

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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We get stink bugs at work once a year. Usually at the end of summer after a decent bit of rain they all emerge from under the soil. They're the worst things in the history of things. They bite you, they piss on you, they charge at you and they can also bloody fly! You'll be sitting outside having a beer and one will hit you in the forehead...then piss on you when you try shoo it away.

This is what it's like for those few weeks...which is due anytime now


CRC Contact cleaner and a Cigarette lighter.


I was called up to Wodgina for a job on one of there OHT's a few years back, Apprentice and I are working under the truck, Mid Feb stink bugs everywhere. Oil drips down and land on his lip.

He grabs his shirt collar to wipe and as it happens there's a stink bug on his collar. He goes to wipe his lip and Mr Stick Bug pisses straight into his mouth.

Vomit was instantaneous and I literally fell over from laughing so hard.

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  • Member For: 22y 1m 5d
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  • Location: Dé·jà vu

So I can keep downloading for now?

I've been mulling on this for a couple of days now...

I could honestly say I dont give a :pooh: if they do, there has been 2/3rd's of Fck all come out in the last 12 months that has been worth getting busted for downloading.

I could count the films worth downloading on 1 hand.

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