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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • WOT?
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Most of my streaming sites have disappeared, and Foxtell have now tied up just about everything I want to watch anyway

Am going to end up with more set top boxes than consoles

More remotes than... nah - pretty much already got a goldfish bowl full of remotes already - scrub that one

Just wish there was other stuff I wanted to watch

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  • Sucker
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Yeah with the fckers snapping up motorsport was the clincher for me. At least it's only half the price it used to be - but still doing it under duress!

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  • I <3 Floods
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I think it's fair that having just left cyclone country a few things piss me off.

Moany bitches on Facebook about power loss.. you just got hit by a f*cking cyclone, what did you think was going to happen. No it isn't ergon energys fault and they are trying to fix the problem.

Drivers at traffic lights when there is no power. 90% of drivers were doing really well. I resisted the urge to start directing traffic. Then you get the one or two impatient C-Bombs that f*ck it for everyone else.

Tree branches on roads.. don't just stop or weave in and out. Get out and drag the f*cking thing off the road! 20 seconds seriously! If it's a proper sized tree you have an excuse.

Moany bitches on Facebook about losing the door to their garden sheds. f*ck me my aunt lost her roof. My grandma got someone else's roof in her bedroom and my mother lifted part of her roof which we had to chain and bolt down during the eye of the storm.

I know it's tough on a lot of people right now (especially tough since I'm back to my aircon in a whole different town) but seriously so many more people need to be thankful how little was actually damaged. History shows us what happens when category 5 storms make landfall and we were very lucky it was a cat 3 before it hit any significant townships (sorry St Lawrence but pop 10 isn't significant).

I got to spend some time with EMQ helping out yesterday they had 270 jobs logged during the actual storm. Of these multiple people claimed lives were at risk because they'd lost part of a roof forcing men and women from the emergency services to respond when the reality was they could have moved into a different room of the house. One bloke even asked the firies mid storm why they hadn't bought a tarp.

I saw some bloody great humans in rocky and yeppoon. My favourite was my grans and aunts next door neighbors and all they did for other people who weren't home during the storms to minimize damages.

But I saw some shocking examples of absolute bottom feeders that shouldn't be allowed to breed. Including one bloke who went out for smokes during the eye of the storm. Had a car accident again forcing the emergency services to respond during the storm. He would have been screwed royally if phone towers were knocked out sooner.

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  • WOT?
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  • Member For: 11y 11m 20d
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  • Location: Frankston, 3199

FFS Panda - we're trying to have a whinge about the important stuff - Foxtell etc

Don't come in here and talk about your missing roof's, sheds, pets and in-laws.

Seriously though - it's heavy sh*t that brings out the best and the worst in people

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  • Sucker
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Yeah it really shows the best and worst in people.

Have to add one to your list, all those that weren't affected by it but were in the warning area and are pissed off about the massive beat-up for no reason. The fact that it went to the west of the range rather than hugging the coast made a massive difference - these same wankers would have be screaming about not enough being done otherwise.

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  • loitering with intent
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WPMO after all this rain, my home office is besieged by a farkin scratching / rustling noise.

Driving me nuts. Exposed beams so nothing there.All electronic sound off

Been into the cupboards no sign of any infestation.

Rustle , rustle scratch scratch continues

I fear the worst, RatBoy ? Hate the farkers to bits,

Stay tuned. Dogs fear bite, Jules does rodent frenzy

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  • Sucker
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It's not termites is it Jules? :pinch:

Oh and add to the above list, the bottom-feeders that flog the generators that are hooked up to traffic lights. That's just superb.

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