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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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Fckin drive through retards that...

A). Dunno where the front of their fricken car is and leave massive gaps between and leaving you 2 feet from the speaker or window.

B). Fart around in their car not noticing the que moving.

C). Get to the fricken pay window try 3 different accounts that have no cash then proceed to spend the next 10 minutes rifling through their handbags lookin for cash.

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  • WOT?
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Add the school drop-off to that list

This is high school mind you, not primary/kinda

A) Decide the drop-off queue is a good place to chat with your kid before letting them exit

B) Have to get out of the car yourself to open the boot to take the school bag out to give to the kid

C) Wait til you get to the front of the queue before letting the kid out of the car (despite every other kid being able to get out of their cars while stuck in the line)

D) Hold up the whole line by waiting for an opening in peak hour traffic to turn right, despite the "No Right Turn" sign and the very handy roundabout 100m down the road to the left

E) The line is definitely a good place to send sms's and check your facebook - the people behind you understand

F) Yes - you are special. The designated drop off zone is meant for everyone else, not for you. Of course it's ok for you to skirt the whole queue, get to the front and sit in the big red "X" to let your kid out and expect the line to let you back in.

G) Sure, Johnny's the most precious thing in the world - of course you need to make sure he walks the 50m to the entrance before you can move off.

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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
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Being old, fat & lazy......no wait.....I enjoy that

W really PMO

The Doc saying that my bloodwork came back showing that I'm now over the line for Diabetes and he's sending me for all of the associated tests FFS

Feel like I need to blame someone

Where's a farken mirror.

oh and Fluff for not starting the FitBit thread earlier :)

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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My bad lol

Hope all is ok Donald Duck

Wpmo -

People who hire hertz and budget trucks and can't drive em ffs!!!

Here's a hint ...

If u struggle driving and reversing your Yaris, don't charming bother trying to drive a truck!!!!

Stuck behind those fhuckers for ten mins going 35km/h in a 60 zone...

Don't know what they were waiting for!!!

Then decide to sit in the left hand lane which goes left and right hand turn instead of the empty right hand lane which only goes right, so instead of us being able to go round with the arrow we have to wait for three light changes for the karnts to fhark off

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  • Sucker
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^^^This , David Hicks and the Bali drug smugglers.

Sorry Queenslanders but thank Christ for the Cyclones!

My family all live where it's hitting right now - and the old man said exactly that last night. Well not that exactly, there were a few more expletives. :ermm:

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