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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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Already moved and going though the motion of trying to find those bits.

It takes a few beers to ease the pain I find.

Edited by GeGe6
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It takes a few beers to ease the pain I find.

Plus you're going to have to spend "hours" putting it all back together again - the things dads have to do for their kids ;)

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most expensive cases ever.....

Might have a beige monstrosity for you in a week ;)

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Ok so I will answer the un asked question from my opinion which may or may not make u feel better.

I am of the opinion that being a stay at home full time mum is a waste of a usually healthy personality which can almost never be recovered again.


Women who chose to stay home with their children are usually the women who also replace their love for their husband with the love they have for their child. Ipsofacto ... Lack of consideration for their partner and zero consideration on what they might need or want.

Women who are isolated to a child as their main source of contact turn into social lepers in many ways. Not usually to anyone who doesn't spend a fair amount of time or know them, but to all close there is an astronomical change.

All of a sudden this person you used to laugh with every day and made u smile, the person u chose to commit to for the rest of your life with, is now a Kunt ... Who won't show u any affection, intimacy, care, consideration and definitely no sympathy.

I am not defending her in any way but look at it from her perspective.

She has gotten up eventually after you have done majority of the morning routine, she's probably still tired because stay at home mums tend to not be the most physically healthy even if they're skinny, they're usually vitamin deficient and lacking in general health, and add to that the fact that once u feel in a grumpy or depressed state you often feel perpetually tired.

Then she has put up with a screaming child who, yes makes her smile and laugh, but also makes her want to cry her eyes out coz he wont leave her alone for enough time for her to even go to the toilet in peace.

Then she doesn't get much social contact from anyone, even the catch ups with friends aren't enough to suffice healthy mental interactions which would be enough for her to remain happy because she has to go straight back home and be a mum again.

Then when her husband, the guy who leaves her alone all day to endure this torture in solitary confinement(the house), gets home, all he wants is for her and this kid who drives u nuts, to leave him alone for a minute.

After spending all day apart, he wants more time?

I mean, even though he plays it up I'm sure all he does is sit on a damn computer all day and type crap. Sure he has to be a little stressed but geeze, I couldn't even take a crap today without a baby up my ass.

And then he's gonna ask me a question about the hour work that didn't get done today because I wanted to enjoy playing with our son and then have a nap because I am so tired all the time from giving all my energy to this little human being. And when he asks he's totally going to be doing it in a condescending and irritating manner, because he judges me, he thinks I do nothing but I do so much!!!!



But a psychological state of mind doesn't hve to be logical or make sense to u!

When you have no concept of what it is like to go to work and be mentally and physically exhausted, which happens once mums choose to stay at home, they then become unaware of the difficulties of daily life in the real world and become so consumed with their own life in their bubble.

A lot of women are inconsiderate of their partners because they have the unintended perception that it's the husbands fault their alone all day, which logically makes no sense, but again, logic and women and psychology don't mix.

From her perspective she is probably very physically tired because of not actually doing anything physical etc. then it's a perpetual cycle of tiredness grumpyness, no love for their significant other, then it becomes ridiculously hard for her to even contemplate how your day was, or even bother asking.

It's very hard for people to self analyse ... Especially women.

Being home with a child is mentally exhausting.... And even though working is too, I believe it is an essential in maintaining balance in a persons mental health.

My advice, get her a job.

Women were never ever meant to be stay at home mums,

My mum is the best mother in the world, but the day she became a great mother, she became a terrible wife.

Panda I am not sayin. Her actions are justified coz they're not.

But if the mountain won't come to Mohamed then u gotta walk at least some of the way there, and by that I mean have u tried talking to her about how u feel? And I don't mean a man talk where u go in and tell her like it is, I mean a lady talk where u pretend to understand the stresses she's under and pretend to be sympathetic then tell her how your feeling.

Yes it's technically manipulation, but whatever works really to keep your sanity.

If she won't get a job, or try and make changes then just trade her in for a new model ;) hahaha

That was actually a really good read and very well articulated, bravo fluff.

Feeling much the same as the other guys with similar stories, its certainly changed my perspective. She does 3 days a week at a good job...perhaps she should go back full time...

Then maybe I can get me that r8 tourer...

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It gets better.

Had the car parked out in the street because the bike was in the carport (usually lives under the patio) because I was going for a ride

Was mid/high 30's so I left the windows down a bit so the car wouldn't be so hot when I moved it later on.

Definitely totally my fault the heavens opened this arvo


Auto windows up when raining.

Just thought I would let you know.

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Just called a mate to invite him round for a beer out of the blue - his story is very, very similar to the tales of woe up above

He's at the cop shop signing off an AVO against him.

His misses has been seeing someone else off and on for a while apparently and they'd decided to go their own way's amicably

Same home etc with the kids while they sorted out their finances and sold the house etc

He came home today to the kids moved out and an AVO for the reason "financial duress???" - her lawyer suggested she file it because he'd stopped leaving cash in the credit card for pokies, smokes and booze.

Not sure how that fits in with an AVO - will be the first to come down on him if she's got a single reason to be in any fear from him, but yeah - that's a pretty low act for her to pull.

He was about to file one of his own in retaliation but I suggested he find himself a lawyer first - am tipping that (if the facts are what he said over the phonecall) then she's been given some really, really bad advice.

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The underside of the car is made from wayer soluble materials, dissolves, thus the car is now top heavy so it flips itself and you float out to safety.

Don't you know ANYTHING Rab?

Edited by -Stever-
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Kimbo - what happens if you drive into a river?

Auto windows down.

Clever Euros.

River sensor down low

Rain sensor up high

In river upside down may be an issue.

Speaking of that I remember cleaning up Tennet Creek 1996 after the Australia Day floods. A brand new top of the line BMW with 1400 k on the clock. Flood waters rose windows went down dirty flood water in car

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