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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • Member For: 16y 7m 22d
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  • Location: Perth, Western Australia

Went to move my Tornado on Sunday afternoon and noticed a dent in the front. The eventual conclusion was that a taxi reversed into it from a house across the road.

I know the taxi industry very well, including the 24/7 GPS tracking on taxis and camera footage. Thus, it was easy enough for the taxi dispatch company to identify the driver. The law prevents them from giving me his personal details, but they have sent him a message on the taxi computer.

He rang me today and agreed to come and see me between 7pm and 8pm. He didn’t show. I rang him at 8pm and sure enough, I’m getting the usual dodgy Indian treatment. Bugger.

It will sort out - there’s not enough lubricant in the world to handle the arse-raping that he’ll get from the police and Dept of Transport (ie hit and run). But early indications are that it might take some time and legal action.

I got a price quote on a new front bumper, just for sh*ts and giggles. $4072.79. Just for the bumper.




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  • Member For: 16y 11m
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Ouch... that sucks... I've had a similar thing happen and could never get the details of the person who did it :(

Got to drop rental income between $120-$150 a week in line with market.

I've never seen rent drop, it always rises, in my experience... that is VERY unlucky for you.

Edited by k31th
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