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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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f*cking European wasps


Pricks were inside the water tank access hole (the big dark nest) and I ended up getting rid of it by showering the thing constantly with water so they flew off for a minute (not keen on wasp spray in the house water) then climbing up and removing it by hand. That was a tense 15 seconds!

Another thing that pisses me off is wasp spray that does f*ck all even when you are hosing the thing at point blank range until it's covered in white froth but STILL moving around. The only one to use is Yates Bliztem, smashes them dead in 2 seconds, comes out in a concentrated stream


instead of a sh*tty mist like this thing which just makes them fly around angrily


f*cking wasps! :bomb:

Edited by -Stever-
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they are pricks

We live near the bush and always knocking down nests

all types from small black ones to striped mothers nearly 40mm long

Best weapon I have found when they are on brickwork etc

1x can of inox/wd40/any other flammable aerosol

1x butane lighter - trigger type

Hold lighter end an inch in front of aerosol nozzle

Aim & squirt aerosol, pull trigger, whooof

they drop in 0.25 seconds as their wings fry

Start stomping

Or if you are doing the lawns at the time

Whipper snipper if cord is long enough and you are feeling committed


Edited by camo86T
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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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  • Member For: 17y 3m 14d
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  • Location: Probably above atmospheric pressure

I tried a can of Lynx anti perspirant once (only use deodorant as the anti perspirant glues up the underam forest...that pisses me off too)

Aimed at nest with stove lighter in front of Lynx


Great flame front - win

Wasps on fire - win

Wasps falling - win

Fly screen under nest on fire - lose

Fly screen burned higher - losing more

Flames got too tall and hit under eaves - major loss

Paint burning for a second - unconscionable losses, abort mission

Paint went out - win

House did not burn down - win

Scrubbed black flame marks off of surface, not coming off enough - losing

Rubbed through to fibro board - losing

Took paint chip to Bunnings and bought sample can, repainted under eaves of girlfriend's parent's house that I am helping house sit, no one is the wiser - escape with life

Edited by -Stever-
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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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I currently have two phones, my Nexus 5 personal phone and Nokia Lumia work phone. They both have a micro usb charge port on the bottom. The port orientation is opposite on each phone. I have to do this every fucking time I want to plug the charge cable....


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just turn the Lumia over by default because who wants to look at that farkin' thing (especially because it's a work phone) when putting it on charge ;)

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