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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
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I jumped on Phils idea about bushes from yesterday and went in to the suspension/mechanic place this morning.

This guy has a bit of a reputation here of being a bit anal when it comes to wheel alignments so I thought that it's a good place to go but I get the feeling that his idea is to replace everything (bushes, ball joints etc.) and then align it.

As far as the "expert " bit goes Tex, workshops -- most of -- these days need to make money (farken electricity going up all the time in SA -- now that pisses me off) so I reckon this guy thinks that because I have a nice car, I must be rich.

Jet rang me this arvo so we had a chat about it and he suggested to just replace what MUST be replaced and put a camber/caster kit on -- which coincidentaly -- is the same advice that my 4wd mechanic mate said to me so that's what I'll get done and see what happens to these 135 buck ching chong tyres

Lowered, big brakes, Ford.............I'm screwed.

The brakes must play a big part I reckon coz when I jump on them hard, the nose hits the ground I reckon ----- so it stands to reason that it would pull the wheels up/down/in whatever I suppose.

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I jumped on Phils idea about bushes from yesterday and went in to the suspension/mechanic place this morning.

This guy has a bit of a reputation here of being a bit anal when it comes to wheel alignments so I thought that it's a good place to go but I get the feeling that his idea is to replace everything (bushes, ball joints etc.) and then align it.

He's on the right track - under braking, the whole weight of the car gets thrown on to the front bushes. If even one bush is worn then it will flex. The wheel(s) will then bow outward and cause that tyre wear.

Wheel alignments are done when the car is stationary, not when the car is moving at 80km/h under heavy braking. So, the alignment might be perfect in the workshop, but it's under heavy braking that your tyres are wearing (ie worn bushes).

I haven't worked on an FG yet, but I know that the ball joint isn't replaceable on the FG like it is on the BA/BF. It's built into the arm, but the ball joints are known for lasting an extremely long time. Unlike the BA/BF, where the ball joints need to be replaced semi-regularly.

If you've got the tools and skills then you could probably do the job yourself. See if you can find some arms off a low km wreck cheaply enough, replace the bushes and then fit the arms to your car.

If you're in Perth then I can supply some leads on parts (new and secondhand).

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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
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Cheers heaps Phil....more things to question. I like going into a shop with a bit of understanding about something these days coz then there is (a bit) less of a chance that I'll get ripped off.

Yeah I haven't got the skills anymore......body gave up many years ago.

I'm in SA so feel free to come for a drive over if you like :) hehe

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My mate said he would take me fishing next time for tuna. Karnt had a sickie then sends me this picd18b3a7d35bb6acc66bdd082444f6535.jpgthis is what pisses me off.

This karnt makes paul worsling from I fish look like a amuture.

Edited by Bizkets is fat?
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Cheers heaps Phil....more things to question. I like going into a shop with a bit of understanding about something these days coz then there is (a bit) less of a chance that I'll get ripped off.

Yeah I haven't got the skills anymore......body gave up many years ago.

Yesterday I was looking at the front end setup on an FG that was on a hoist. Doesn't look particularly complicated to pull apart and put back together.

Genuine Ford bushes will be expensive - I'm assuming that they can be pushed out and pressed in, like on other suspension arms. Someone said that they are made by Mackay Rubber in Queensland, so it would be worth making a phone call to them to see what their pricing is.

Then there are the Superpro and Nolathane options. Prepare to spend hours reading forums about this, and many more hours trying to make a decision on what to do.

Modern cars depend heavily on suspension bushes for driving smoothness and comfort. Rubber bushes help to achieve this, but they will also need replacing at some point in time, especially when the front ones are regularly subjected to heavy use (ie hard braking).

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I paid $139.50 for my tyres but they are Chong ching

Thanks PHIL, didn't realise the FGs balljoints were different, mine still maybe OK.

I've already done the whole front end on my BA.

Thanks for the feedback guys.

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  • loitering with intent
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farkin gamer farkers spamming threads. Piss off or start your own threads

Better still take it to a gayming site *beep*'s :nyaah:

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