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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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masda74 is clearly a germophobe... :dancing:

when you have a wife that is a nurse.......

I am sure that pixy Angel's wife feels the same way.

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You wouldn't want to touch ps or xbox controllers then... Haha

Air compressor with metho in the sprayer cleans anything without hurting electricals!

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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People that work in service and hospitality industries and expect to work bank teller hours pi$$ me off.

my misses never complained about it ,due to that she was told that it is there busiest time of the year and that they could never have holidays in that time before she even got the job ,and that the pay does not

change ether . just sux that we have never got holidays the same time .well that's what I say to here . but honestly why would it be different to ambulance people they get paid 4 times more than there normal pay

on those days .now that is the same kind of a job as a service and hospitality one . so how about complaining about that instead ?


What's the difference ???

The difference is when I have a coronary in the middle of Xmas dinner your mrs didn't study for an extended period of time to have the skills and knowledge to come to my house and know how to try and save my life!

Emergency services put themselves into dangerous situations every day and are one of the most valuable assets to the community.... To compare them to someone who works at a 24/7 servo really pissed me off.

Jobs are simple majority of the time ... U study or worked to get some form of qualification then you are worth more... Public holidays included.

U wanna call a plumber out on Xmas day? That's gonna cost Ya an arm and a leg...

What's the difference ?

They still did an apprenticeship to get qualifications so they can be skilled to do what u can't!

And your mrs... Along with the bajillion others in the hospitality and service industry are a dime a dozen...

Most have no qualifications... And the ones that do aren't worth anything to anyone in the real scheme of things for an employer. If she didn't do it for hardly any money... Someone else would ...

That's the way the world works.. And there is no one to blame but the person who chose their career.

Basically tab and panda are spot on... Lolol

Also tab is right, she should be getting penalty rates anyway. It's the law.

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my wife works at a pub and they always make her work Christmas. they can get farked now. we have a son and family that want to see jr so she has told them she's not working Christmas and if they make her im walking in and telling them she no longer works there. family over work any day.

What I found funny was the fact that a casual bar worker gets no overtime for hours worked after 38!

Partner done 71hours all at ordinary rate. Had she been part time or full time that's a extra $700....... Pretty silly.

Partners done at least 40-50 hours a week every week for the last year. What I did learn was she can ask to be full time and they can't deny that request without a resonable excuse..... Based in her hours previously done there's no real excuse......... No wonder why they keep people casual lol

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  • loitering with intent
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Penalty rates suck balls for employers in hospitality particularly..

When they should be making some money the old wage bill kills them before they open the doors.

A lot don't even bother.

Given the growing casualisation of the workplace if you want the work don't expect to be paid a premium.

Like anything , value is only worth what the market is prepared to pay.

So Fluff you are being a little myopic in your view. One size does not fit all anymore.

If a business want's to be successful it must firstly must understand the customer, but importantly

be both nimble and flexible in delivering to those needs.

9-5 with all the fruit is on the wane..Good ole Coles plays the game, time off in lieu.

Work 8 hours on a PH you get 8 hours off at their convenience.

Not the prescribed 13.5 hours pay as the award states. You want to argue and be managed out ?

Anyway I'm starting to sound a bit left of centre. The ABC have stooges for that crap.

I could go on and on and on :yes-sir:

seems like TAB's post has been high jacked , not his usual measured response :ermm:

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Gunna quoted tabs post and accidentally edited it instead of writing outside it ... Tab only wrote the top two lines... The rest was in response

All I meant by it all being it being by it being simple was just in reference to the fact that majority of the time qualified people will get better pay usually then unqualified people in unqualified industries on a normal day to day job

I wasn't referencing the whole work force being as being structured simply.

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My work is 24/7 52 weeks a year industry, we never stop.

If they wanna pay me the same as a day shift wanker well they can kiss my ass!

I work nights, days ,every second weekend, Xmas day, Boxing Day etc etc. No choice, industry requirements

If your saying I'm not worth compensating when I've missed 6 of my boys xmas's and he's only 12 then to hell with you.

You think I'm gonna stay in an industry that doesn't pay penalty rates for all the sh!t I miss? No friggin way!

Doing 12 hour night shifts will fark you up, it's a known fact shift workers on average live 15 years less than the average person.

It's easy for 9 to 5 pencil pushers to say crap like that, you've obviously not worked shift work in heavy industry all your life and with the associated dangers and risk!!!

Get rid of penalty rates..............PFFFFFT!!!

Oh yeah , JUST SAYIN FFS!!!

Edited by "Captain Retard"
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  • loitering with intent
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finished your rant ? have a read first.

Firstly one size does't fit all and secondly the market will ultimately determine price.

I wasn't picking on what it is you do. like every job it's important to the person getting paid

Iv'e missed my kids birthdays, graduation more Xmases than I care to remember.

Making decisions working up to 100 hrs a week pushing "pencils" doing what I was paid to do.

My father worked rotating shifts for over 50 years so yeah I get that as well

I don't really give a rats what you think, hopefully you are not ever put in charge of a business.

Don't be so damned narrow minded. You seem like a self centered look at me pee pee

Just sayin. I won't decimate you in public however

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  • I <3 Floods
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I push pencils.. And when I get a phone call that something has f*cked up and I have to work on a public holiday it doesn't come cheap..

But the whole time you've gotta be conscious of the fact that if you don't do it for reasonable dollars someone else will.

In hospitality and service there are just more people lined up who can do it when you won't..

Exactly as Mr Buffy said.. There is no one size fits all.. In my work some employers pay a 'salary' and expect you to bust your arse working bulk hours and take the same wage home every week (70+ hours).. I am very lucky to have an employer who pays all overtime and our OT % is our main thing to negotiate when chasing pay rises..

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