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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Discourteous/Arrogant drivers in Peak hour.

Every morning I drive the same way to work along West Swan road. Numerous cars are always trying to turn onto the road during peak traffic. Road is 70KPH so gaps only really open up when a car turning off west swan creates one or traffic slows and people let others turn in.

I try and drive in a fairly courteous manor in the (obviously stupid) hope that others will do the same for me. I slow to let a guy in, 5 mins up the road I need to move from the RH lane to the LH to turn left. The guy I let in is in the RH lane and aprox 1/2 car length behind me with a 3 to 4 car gap to the car in front of him. Traffic is doing 20kph tops. I indicate and move up and slip into the gap ready to turn left 300mtrs up the road.

He obviously takes offence to this and flips me the bird, hits the horn and is yelling and carrying on. We get to my turn and he changes lane to the RH lane just so he can hurl abuse at me (the whole time we are doing max 20kph so it wasn't like I merged in front of him then hit the brakes to turn, I literally just indicated and turned off)


Let a guy in to traffic, copped abuse when I required the same from the same guy.

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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Ah traffic...had an F250 driver beep me at a form one lane when I moved over in front of him. Didn't do it violently, used indicator, form 1 lane signs up...yet it's somehow my fault he's only left a 1m gap between himself and the car in front, WTF. Briefly imagined stopping my car to give him a serve of "learn to drive fvckwit!" but being punched in the face once was enough for me. Still haven't learned my lesson entirely it seems as I waved a "what??" gesture out the window at the time.

He then proceeded to intimidate a buzz box that got in front of him at the next lights by tailgating it. C0ck smoker! Ruined my nice coastal drive on Friday arvo after work.

Edited by -Stever-
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  • I <3 Floods
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Haha.. I fully admit once that I accidentally didn't give way to a bloke.. Wasn't paying attention.. I don't think he had to brake too hard to avoid me since he could just jump in the other lane and he was turning from lights so can't have been going that fast..

I did the whole wave and said sorry (though he couldn't of heard it) looking sheepish while he was alongside me..Then he proceeded to scream and honk his horn and followed me for about 3km.. Till finally I said enough is enough.. He pulled up next to me at the lights threatening to kill me etc even though I'd just said 'Sorry mate I f*cked up' through the window to him.. Death threat took it too far. Stopped at red light opened the door climbed out and invited him to say that to my face..

Anyway when I started to open his passenger door he ran the red light..

That made my day.. And there were some cheers from the cars behind me at the lights..

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  • I <3 Floods
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  • Location: South West QLD

Was closest to my drivers side.. Only a freaking idiot would walk in front of or behind a car when there is someone angry at you in the drivers seat..

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