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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • Member For: 9y 10m 12d
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  • Location: Canberra ACT

Must be something to do with the size of those particular photos, which I got via MMS. If I go to attach them again it doesn't ask me to pick a size.

On the upside, no car meant a bit of cycling and if I attach this photo from the ride home from work yesterday, Tapatalk asks me to pick a size a15f32376854db2bf62fc370e39636fc.jpg

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  • Puff
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Didn't really piss me off that much but I changed my alarm so I could have a sleep in this morning...farken thing still went off early anyway. Must have not pressed the save button or something :facepalm-hand:

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  • 1 year later...
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My Nephew came over so I could give him a hand with changing brake pads on his Mazda.


He bought Brembo branded pads which they list as fitting his car, but they were slightly different shape and did no fit.

Also on the same Brembo site they list other pads which are 6mm less tall (which would be the right ones).


Have had a quick look and do not see any options for different brakes for his car, so this is making no sense....

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  • 3 months later...
  • less WHY; more WOT
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Have a slow leak on one of my tyres (loses around 5PSI per day sitting in the garage), went to a tyre shop, they told me my rim is cracked :shocked: frustrating...  probably happened on your :pooh:-house roads in SA @Puffwagon haha... hoping to get that repaired via aluminium welding as a replacement rim isn't cheap/quick ;) 


Also, got "booped" in traffic yesterday arvo... minor cosmetic damage... pretty lucky not to be heaps worse considering the impact speed was less than 10km/h in a 100km/h zone... just a new rear bar and bootlid needed to repair it, by the looks.. 



I stopped about half a metre short of the car in front of me, not braking that hard, the guy behind me either just barely clipped me or stopped short (by ~10cm) then he got pushed from behind and then into me (again or the first time, not 100% sure).

Bloody traffic braking to a stop in 100 zones... I was headed "away" from peak-hour, too...

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