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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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25 minutes ago, Psshhhht said:

faaaaar out that property seems amazing and cheap to me. I'm assuming its in the middle of nowhere, which to me makes it even more appealing!

Id say over priced tbh.

Adelaide housing is mega cheap... that’s a modern built chit hole, built by a cheap as chips building company, in the middle of a hot af desert, ages away from Adelaide, with the insulative qualities of a tin shed and the fixtures, fittings and options of the cheapest place known to man with some half arse solar system added on to try and pretend it’s worth the cash. 


Wouldnt pay more than 400 for it in a good day let alone at the moment when the market is slowing.

Edited by HRM Fluff of Cornwall
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I agree that's over priced as buggery. its in butt fek nowhere. 


19 minutes ago, El Andrew said:
39 minutes ago, Admin (as if) said:
report you to the epa baahahah

Lucky he wasn't living there when I was wrecking the BA and 'accidentally' opened the AC system.


lucky they didnt see me push my old wall ac unit out the window where the a/c line cracked and accidentally leaked haha

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never heard of the builder so I can't comment, but it looks like a nice house to in the photos anyway, but seriously 440k for a house on 360acres seems pretty fair, even if it is in the middle of nowhere. I'm keeping an eye out on properties in my area (admittedly productive farmland around some reasonably sized towns and only 1.5 hours drive to Melbourne) and you'd be lucky to pick up 40acres of pure land for that kind of money

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Yeah welcome to SA.... 

Different pricing than eastern states. 


Guess everyone’s version of “nice” is different... all I see is laminate bench tops, cheap tiles, and a general crappy level of finish with some well taken photos.


land doesn’t mean money

you can buy a heap of land for barely anything in the middle of the desert.... 


to give you an idea it’s 150kms from Adelaide.... that’s bum farrrk no where in Adelaide given the metro area is only a 40km radius from the CBD 

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47 minutes ago, demon1300 said:

That stupid tapatalk won't show me unread or new posts on the forum....

not sure what's going on for you, there... v8.1.8 for Android came out on 25th February for tapafark. I've got v8.1.7 and it's working fine.


edit: just updated to v8.1.8 and it still works for me.

Edited by k31th
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  • Puff
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That place is only worth about 350 to 390k depending on insulation and fixtures. 


I've been watching land out there for several years now and it was worth 200k for the land iirc.


It was just an example of cheap land anyhow. It is in bumfark nowhere and while it could suit some people, it is a modern cheaply built house in the desert.


I guarantee ya it was built to flip. 

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