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13 hours ago, Puffwagon said:

I'd also be a lot happier if I had gigabit internet for $20 per month like it bloody well should be.


truly a pipe dream  :crazy:

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  • skids
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1 hour ago, El Andrew said:

I could easily buy a better VDSL router given FTTN uses VDSL so the routers are everywhere. However the wife is insistent on maintaining VoIP and that limits the choice and value A LOT. In another few months maybe I'll tell her that I didn't bother configuring the VoIP when I reset the modem about 6 months ago and then go and buy a decent router without VoIP ports.

hey mate if I recall right you can use a voip ATA with iinet and I THINK some vdsl modems have come out with a voip port built in now too.


I connect up ubiquiti wi-fi system to these modems all the time with great success, the wi-fi on them is CRAP. Possibly you could consider some wi-fi access points.

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  • Puff
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1 hour ago, El Andrew said:

My main problem is the crappy router iiNet provide. Frequent drop outs for individual devices while other devices still have a connection.

I never had that problem with their modem.


I've got an optus modem and also a netgear d6200 which I'm currently using. 


I wonder if having 4 wired connections and 8 wireless connections is making it drop out?

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I tried to get the Huawei modem they supplied to work in bridge mode by trying every forum post I could find and iiNet techs sending me firmware that should have worked, but no joy. Idea was to use my Billion modem-router to manage the network and the wifi.

If I ethernet between the two, but without bridge mode, the wireless performance is better but still get drop out and the Huawei is obviously still.managing the network. Looks like it is something to do with either how many devices the Huawei likes to have or how it updates IP address leases.

At that point I'd reached the limit of my expertise and care factor!

Definitely are some VDSL modems with VoIP but nothing I'm that keen on (either crap or ridiculously high end but not much in between). That's a good tip though John about the ATA - I might give that a go. Looks like they are about $50 and don't limit my modem choice.

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  • skids
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3 minutes ago, El Andrew said:

That's a good tip though John about the ATA - I might give that a go. Looks like they are about $50 and don't limit my modem choice.

I use CISCO SPA112 with my ISP's modem but funnily enough was not for the life of me able to bridge it to my ubiquiti security gateway so it's just connected via ethernet.


also if anybody is having FTTN issues I fix this for people all the time. doubled a guys speed from 25 to just over 50mbit yesterday by re-wiring. If you've got a telephone outlet next to your foxtel point and/or a old alarm system even if its disconnected these are the two things I find cause the most problem.

Edited by skidxr6t
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9 hours ago, bloodycrashboy said:

so which one is the accurate one @adams355 ?


Yea yea, they can be similar but I prefer.me its similar to actual use and the graph is handy. On the NBN front been with TPG, MyRepublic and Vodafone. On to Tangerine now lol with my old ASUS RT-AC66U and its been great. The modems that are coming from most of these companies are cheap crud 5 years behind tech.

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Bloody dog and his separation anxiety...had a good do at my new hallway door that I had custom made and hadn't even painted yet!

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3 hours ago, .Stripes. said:

Bloody dog and his separation anxiety...had a good do at my new hallway door that I had custom made and hadn't even painted yet!


dw my dog when he was a pupp scratched through one layer of the laundry door and through a sheet of plaster. not bad for a cavvy. 

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If it was just one of the other normal doors I wouldn't care so much, as I want to replace them with nicer ones at some point anyway...but the fact he did it on my custom $1,000 newly hung door kinda sh!ts me. It's weird though, as this is the first time he's done it, previously he's just sat at that door and looked through, waiting for us (it has a glass panel at head height for him). GF and I think it's probably her friend that's staying with her atm, as she winds him up and lets him jump up on her all the time etc (all the things we're adamant about him NOT doing)...so that's not helping.

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